
New Year’s Eve 2006

New Year’s Eve brought another hot tub adventure in my life and some ironing which Mike didn’t bother doing for me. We headed out to the Centre des Loisirs for New Year’s Eve this year as Mike’s dad was playing in the band that night. Excellent times would be had! We arrived, got a drink and sat down with some of Mike’s extended family and friends. All in all, I had a great night, but I must admit that it felt strange being the youngest there. This isn’t a common youngster event – unlike the stag and doe’s of yesteryear where you couldn’t walk three feet without meeting someone else you knew!

I ended up doing the mop of shame as I had spilled Carol’s drink onto the dance floor. I found this pretty unfair as I had done such a great job until she emerged from the washroom and that was the moment where my hand felt the need to let go. Doh! So we have some excellent photos with me and the mop.

After much dancing (in my awful, much needed to be replaced shoes) and a great midnight buffet (best way to cure the hangover the next day!) and some excellent tunes (Mony Mony – Uncensored), we retired for the night. I ended up back at home hoping to see my buddy Randy who was in town, but alas, he had taken off to Timmins that day so I didn’t manage to see him during the holidays. I ended up having a brewski with Maureen, John and Julie but then decided to return to my slumber.

The next day had me lazing around…wait a second! That didn’t happen at all…during the night an entire foot of snow had fallen and my parents were coming back that afternoon so it was up to me to save the day and snowblow the driveway! After contemplating taking the four-wheeler out with the plow, I thought better of it and hauled out the snowblower. Before that I slipped myself into a nice one-piece snowsuit and had an excellent hat – lined with fur and had the earflaps. Dad had a good laugh when I showed up later that night with it on as I had it on backwards! I swear it only happened the once!

Anyhow, starting the snowblower was a pain. I had to eventually bring the extension cord out and electric start it and even that was a pain. In hindsight, I don’t think I had the choke wide open which hindered my operation. Eventually it roared to life and I trekked up and down the driveway. There’s a good feeling when you blow a driveway which isn’t your own. Mind you, I don’t really have that problem as my best neighbour ever Barry kindly snowblows my driveway during the winter. Granted, this didn’t need to happen this year yet, and now with Mike owning a truck, there isn’t really much driveway to shovel.

Maureen and John have decided to move back to Kapuskasing. I wish them the best as they return in February! I selfishly wish they would go to North Bay so I would have a rest stop between Kapuskasing and North Bay, but alas, it is not in the cards. Anyhow, best of luck Maureen and John!