After a holiday season filled with gastro, it was nice to finally get out of the house and have some fun with friends.
We played a few games including some advanced mechanics version of Battleship which made the game a lot more fun compared to the slog which is the regular old Battleship game.
Of course the snack plate is always everyone’s favourite thing at a party
Us playing Pass the Ace which someone mistakenly typed out as Pass the Ass
I also brought my guitar out for a bit which is always fun when folks sing along and Jon is in the room playing the cajon.
It was a great night. Thanks to Jon and Chantal for the invitation. I’m not sure why we left before midnight but we did end up home for our own countdown which was fun.
An observation: It’s interesting to see how kids interact as they get older. A few years ago they would have all been together playing. At one point this year I roamed around the house and found Ezra and Sierra playing Battleship, another kid playing Fortnite alone, another kid doing artwork and another couple of kids downstairs horsing around.