I’m pretty pissed at myself because I forgot to get Coldplay tix on Saturday. I found out the hard way.
Checking phone msgs…
Benoit: “Hey Ryan! I read on your blog that you’re going to get tix to Coldplay! Give me a call. I want in.”
Ryan (looking at his watch and realizing it’s 8 hours after they went on sale): “SONOFA!”
So, needless to say, even with them opening up ANOTHER date in Toronto due to the impressive ticket sales, I got nothing. This is the second time on the Twisted Logic tour that I missed out.
Woe is really me. Sure, I see a lot of other bands, but I was REALLY wanting to see Coldplay.
2 replies on “No Coldplay for Me”
coldplay is the shizznat
I just received a Coldplay email… And your wish has come true. Why not add a Montreal date instead though??!?!?!?!
From the email:
Due to your overwhelming response, we’ve now added extra dates for Vancouver, Toronto and Uniondale as follows:
Fri 27th Jan, GM Place – VANCOUVER
Thurs 23rd March, On Air Canada Center – TORONTO
Mon 27th March, Nassau Coliseum – UNIONDALE, NY
Please see the tour page at coldplay.com for more details.