
Grades or Bust!

While reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (I just realized that I haven’t hyperlinked much text in the last while…I suppose it’s just a little extra time out of my day whereas you can just Google anything your heart desires…) I came across this interesting concept where a teacher didn’t provide grades throughout the term which pissed off people at first, but then it changed the way students approached the learning angle – they actually ended up producing better work and paid more attention in class (as opposed to the end of term slump where everyone knows their marks anyhow and they don’t really care). It shows that students should be in an institution of education to learn and not to get a grade.

This was an interesting concept as it ties into the whole theory that you should be educated because you want to be, not because you are told to. Granted, this doesn’t work for children…they wouldn’t know any better. Or would they? While reading Race Against Time I am finding that as soon as gov’ts eliminate school fees, 1000’s of children are coming to school because they wish to learn. This is hard concept for a lot of people who have grown up in the education system we have here, where everyone gets an education…my prof mentioned that it’s funny to see that University courses are the one thing in the world that you pay a lof of money for, but are ecstatic if it gets cancelled one day! Imagine an opposite scenario where you had to give the Prof $100 each class you attended for a three hour lecture. No wonder the universities take their tuition up front!

Anyhow, I feel that I am now entering the point in my life where I am wanting to be educated, and not for grades. I recall when I decided to return to University, I was driven by the fact that if I didn’t have a degree, I would probably not be able to become a Director one day. That was my driving force. I didn’t even really know if I would enjoy Communications…the only reason I took it was because it was a 90 credit course.

But I slowly realized that I enjoy going back to class as I get to learn something. I put a lot of actual thought into the essays I’ve written and it’s something I actually care about. I look at what errors I’ve made and where I can improve. This isn’t the Palmer of yesteryear where he just cared about his grades…this is the Palmer of now where I am more concerned of what I take from the class.

Prof. Lowes says that the best students don’t get the best grades. I am starting to see why he says that.


Mod Chip or Bust

Check this people…today we’re going to go into a little technology lesson Palmer style with the introduction to (insert those mighty sounding trumpets right about…NOW!)

Mod Chips.

Whoa whoa whoa buddy…don’t we have Wikipedia for all this stuff?

This is true. For the real scoop on things and not just the way things are observed by yours truly, log onto for the real deal.

Anyhow, let’s give you a little background on some forces that played into my ordering a mod chip.

  • My DVD player is ancient and so if I watched a burned DVD (such as a kickass Smashing Pumpkins concert), it’s all choppy.
  • I have media galore – music, vids, you name it.
  • Mike has media galore also.
  • Video games are cool.
  • NINTENDO video games are cooler.
  • I had to sell all my old Nintendo games when I was kid to purchase the Super NES. My parents didn’t understand the concept of owning TWO video game systems at the same time. Oh my, if they only saw Benoit’s place.

To solve all these problems, I looked at my XBox which is sitting there and decided not to sell it, but to overhaul it with semi-legal (what?) mod chips. Pop one of these puppies into your XBox and you can do whatever you want with your XBox. For example:

  • I can use it as a DVD player and it will surely be better than my existing one. No more choppy video.
  • It can act as a storage for all my digital media…if I want to check out my pictures on my digital camera, voila, it’s there. How about my music? Voila, it’s there also.
  • I can have emulators (basically, programs that emulate the functions of an actual gaming system such as the NES) which can play all the games I ever wanted.

Voila! Presto! I’m done. I think it will be cool.


She’s a Superstar!

Read this previous entry here.

The other day I pass by a new poster up on the Ottawa U campus with 100 mugshots of students celebrating International Diversity Week or something like that (cleary, I did not really stop to look) and thought that there is no way Vero would have made it onto that poster considering she isn’t from another country.

I was wrong. Vero told me she found herself on another poster?

What can I say about this beautiful, photogenic person I am involved with? Should I say I feel privileged to be around such a star or should I begin to get scared that I will be left with the life where I sit at home watching the Golden Globes while she walks down the red carpet with Lenny Kravitz?

Maybe I’m looking into this too much. If you’re at Ottawa U, look for her face – now appearing EVERYWHERE.


Review: Swing Dancing

What’s my favourite thing in the world? Swing dancing!

Not really! I have never tried it. Until Saturday night when Mike, Duncan, Claudine, Vero, Marc, Sara and Chantelle ventured out to the free lesson at Ottawa U. What can I say? It was alright. The only problem I had with it is that I had a whole 2 minutes of dancing with Vero and then had to switch partners. Boo. I don’t mind dancing, but let me look like a fool and a fun time with someone I know.

I was also severely snubbed during the event seeing that when I went to the next girl in line, she bailed and went to dance with a friend who just showed up, which left me standing in between couples dancing and me staring the wall. Then memories of the same events happening at Grade Eight dances came flooding back (actually, let’s be honest here and realize that no one actually danced at Grade Eight dances and it was cooler to just hang out near the wall) and I felt dumb so I did what every good man does – bail for the washroom. Ah…the safe haven. No one can question what you’re doing in the washroom. Unless you spend 20 minutes in there and your girlfriend sends my friends over to see if I’m alright. Anyhow, I’ll admit, I bailed, I was a baby, but whatever. I don’t dig dancing with people I don’t know.

So…would I do it again? Well, why not? Only if I could just dance with someone I know.

Also, I don’t know how useful swing dancing is in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps ballroom is better suited? What am I saying? It’s not like I go to any balls or anything from the 19th century here.

iplaying: Hot Metal Streaking Down the 401 – Sam Roberts Band – 2005-08-25 Buffalo NY


Review: Underworld – Evolution

Ah, the return of Kate Bekinsale as the (meow) Selene.

Caught the sequel to Underworld at Silvercity on Saturday amidst a giant snowstorm. I especially like how Carol asked me if it snowed in Ottawa and I looked out the window and said no. This was, of course, totally wrong as I was looking into my backyard which has been full of snow for months.

Also, I was asked how old I was at the counter to the movie theatre. This has never happened to me. It was odd to think that this guy thinks I am under 18.

Actually, before I really start this review, let me talk a little more about the trip to the theatre. So, as you all know, Ottawa (and pretty well all of Ontario) was pelted with snow. I get to an intersection and notice across the street that there are two ladies with their car stuck in the ditch. Better sense prevails and I drive over to help them. Upon showing up:

Ladies: Oh thank you for coming over to help.
Me: No problem, let’s try and rock it back and forth.
Ladies: Do you think some cardboard under the tires will help?
Me (with this incredulous “God no, the cardboard won’t work, what are you thinking? You’re stuck in the snowbank!” look on my face): Well, I don’t know, you could give it a try.
Ladies: Alright, here you go!
(She passes me a piece of cardboard the size of my palm).
Me: Uh, thanks. (Shoves it under the tire, which is totally useless other than the fact that it’ll probably just impale me in the side of the head when she starts spinning).

Anyhow, I’m making headway and I was thankful that another gentleman stopped and helped me push the car out of the snowbank.

Thank you’s are passed around and I get back into my car and sit there plugging in my cellphone when I look into my rearview mirror and notice the guy is back again pushing the car out of the snowbank.

That’s right…they drove right back into the ruts they created into the snowbank.

Drivers of the world, heed my advice! Avoid the same freakin’ spot you just got stuck in.

Onto the movie…

So, the movie picks up literally right after the first one…if anything, a few hours later, nothing more. Selene and Michael are on the run and then Marcus shows up to kick some ass.

All in all, I liked the movie. Definitely not a rental. However, I must say that I would have preferred some clans of vampires vs. werewolves instead of the movie focussing on singular characters such as Selene, Michael, Marcus etc. That’s my only gripe. Very tiny gripe.


The Morning Show – Episode #14

Bob and Jethro go Japanese.

Download here.
Original Airdate: December 4, 2001
(11.2MB MPG File)


Good For the Winter

Got my Rogers home phone line yesterday.

A little history/techincal lesson for you all here.

Phone lines by Bell are powered, hence, you get phone service even during a blackout.

Rogers doesn’t use the Bell phone line (they are not allowed) so how do they get by this problem?

Follow my thought process here:
– They plug a wire into your TV cable outlet.
– Said cable enters this magic box (not really a magic box but for illustrative purposes I shall call it a magic box) which is also plugged into the electrical outlet (important point for later)
– Out of the magic box comes a phone cable which connects to the rest of your phone lines in your house
– Voila, you now have phone lines in your house!

Now, as you may have read, I did not bother getting a VOIP line (aka phone over the Internet, which is cheaper because…heck, on the Internet, there IS no long distance) because if the power went out, I would lose the line, and also 911 if I needed it.

Well, as soon as I see this magic box controlling my phone lines, I had the sudden realization that I have entered into the same problem.

If the power goes out, there will be no phone!

Here comes the brilliance which is this magic box.

It has a 36 hour battery in it in case the power goes out.


Now…tell me, oh geniuses over at VOIP land…why couldn’t you offer me something with a 36 hour battery on it?

I predict this happening in 2006 and I will be switching to it in 2006.

Until then…

iplaying: To Forgive (live) – The Smashing Pumpkins – Mellow, Jolly and and The Infinite Madness


The Morning Show – Episode #13

Bob speaks with Marysol, the French exchange student.

Download here.
Original Airdate: November 30, 2001
(12.8MB MPG File)


Review: North By Northwest

Last night in honour of Sena returning to the fold which is Ottawa, we watched a Hitchcock film. My first of the sort. Benoit suggested it.

The verdict is in – it’s a great flick!

I thoroughly enjoyed the film…it had suspense, it had a hot leading lady, it had a spy story. You can’t go wrong. Some people commented on how this could be a precursor to the Bond films.

My question about Hitchcock is this…as far as I know (I haven’t done much research), he is the master of suspense. Also known for his revolutionary film making techniques.

Well, here in 2006, the techniques aren’t exactly new to me. Heck, I couldn’t pinpoint which ones would have been revolutionary. What I need is a study guide to go along with the film to point out things that were in its infancy when the film was being made. I think I would appreciate the film more that way.

It’s like when you watch a film nowadays and you say ‘Hey great film, but where were the special effects.” and then people list off of a slew of them and you say “Holy crap, that was a special effect? No way!”. Supposedly that is the greatest compliment to a special effects person…letting them know that you didn’t even realize it was a special effect (unlike the Burly Brawl sequence in the Matrix Reloaded where it saddens me to see a computer generated face on top of Neo. OR, in Revenge of the Sith with all the Jango clones running around…their faces are kind of sad. With time, it will improve.)

Let’s talk about CGI for a moment…I predict in the future, that someone will have the nerve to make a new John Wayne film. Or a new Bruce Lee film. It will be the era of resurrected movie heroes. Technology can allow us to do that…the question is, will the public buy it? Who knows.

Quote of the Day – “I love watching old movies because it makes me feel young!” – Palmer while watching North By Northwest

iplaying: Infinite Sadness (outtake 93) – The Smashing Pumpkins – Mashed Potatoes



Just in…the Our Lady Peace concert I went to is supposedly being released on February 7.

Happy Dance!

Read about the concert here.

I’m excited to actually have been at a concert that was filmed. Wicked.