You can see some pictures from Hallowe’en up on my picture gallery. Unfortunately, I left them uploading as I came to work and it stopped during upload. I have this problem with bittorrent where my Internet connection crashes. If anyone knows the solution, contact me. I’ll get the rest of them up tonight.
Last Night (October 31st): I decided to wear this costume outside in my driveway while sitting on a rocking chair to hand out candy. I had some great comments and unfortuntately met some neighbours for the first time this way. I say unfortunately because the first kid to come to my place was a child from two doors down and then he started crying. Ah well. I also had a kid run up my driveway but bailed as soon as she saw me. I think I gave out candy to 85 kids (rough estimate) which was great. I found that the peak time is 6:00 – 7:00. There were literally no kids after 7:00 (except for Ryley who adored the Star Wars comics Joe and I picked up for him). Is there a by-law which says “No Trick or Treating after 7:00?”. I got cold after 1 1/2 hours of sitting outside and went in for the rest of the night where Eric, Annie and Trish hung out for awhile. Eric and Annie said they ran out of candy and had to bail from their house because they felt bad.
The pumpkin finally met it’s demise as I bowled it down the lawn and it hit the tree and smashed.