
Fourth Horseman

This was my Hallowe’en costume which was a great hit. Surprisingly, it did not stink and if you put a t-shirt inside as padding, you can wear it for a good five hours.

You can see some pictures from Hallowe’en up on my picture gallery. Unfortunately, I left them uploading as I came to work and it stopped during upload. I have this problem with bittorrent where my Internet connection crashes. If anyone knows the solution, contact me. I’ll get the rest of them up tonight.

Last Night (October 31st): I decided to wear this costume outside in my driveway while sitting on a rocking chair to hand out candy. I had some great comments and unfortuntately met some neighbours for the first time this way. I say unfortunately because the first kid to come to my place was a child from two doors down and then he started crying. Ah well. I also had a kid run up my driveway but bailed as soon as she saw me. I think I gave out candy to 85 kids (rough estimate) which was great. I found that the peak time is 6:00 – 7:00. There were literally no kids after 7:00 (except for Ryley who adored the Star Wars comics Joe and I picked up for him). Is there a by-law which says “No Trick or Treating after 7:00?”. I got cold after 1 1/2 hours of sitting outside and went in for the rest of the night where Eric, Annie and Trish hung out for awhile. Eric and Annie said they ran out of candy and had to bail from their house because they felt bad.

The pumpkin finally met it’s demise as I bowled it down the lawn and it hit the tree and smashed.


DTS Ahoy

Last night, Eric dropped by to watch the uncut version of American Psycho. I love the satire in this movie and I think Eric enjoyed it also. The ending gets a little wonky but whatever. Christian Bale is the man.

Anyhow, I was commenting on how the stereo seemed all wonky (as in the vocals were coming through the rear channels) and so we toyed around with the entire setup for a good 45 minutes.

The ultimate test was when I popped in All That Could Have Been – NIN Live. But the DTS didn’t work at all! That took awhile to figure out but as soon as it was discovered we sat there in bliss at the sound. I really can say that I feel that I’m at the concert while watching this thing. Amazing.

I am now pumped to see NIN with Matt in a few weekends. Hopefully we can exchange our tickets to get floor seats.

Thanks to Eric for making my audio experience life changing.



Now when I say it was the best party ever, I am excluding the Trilogy of New Year’s Parties I used to have. Those were the best parties.

But in second place, Duncan’s WICKED Hallowe’en party this past Saturday.

What can I say? I think my costume was a BIG hit. I felt like the Paparazzi was upon me when entering the event. I felt like Santa Claus (pose for a picture!).

Speaking of pictures, I’ve reached my monthly upload limit of 2GB on so I won’t have access until tomorrow. So I’ll put up the Hallowe’en photos then. There were AMAZING costumes all around (except for that dude in a pink towel. What was up with that?)

Speaking of pictures, I’ve come to realize that there are a billion digicams out there being used, but not an easy way of sharing them. Granted, there’s the great software package Picasa (coupled with Hello) by Google, but it only works if you are online with someone chatting. I’d like to put up all the pics from Saturday night on flickr so if you can somehow get them to me, that would be swell. So far, I have Vero and Joe’s pics to put up. From my last count, I think Matt, Larisa and Mel had a digicam going on.

What can I say about Hallowe’en? I thought my costume went over well and it wasn’t cumbersome. It was surreal to be looking out of two little holes all night long though. I felt that my brain didn’t realize there was a giant party going on…I just remember talking to individuals. Even if I was talking to Carrie and there were people around, I could only remember Carrie because I could only see her.

Highlights of the night:

  • Christina losing her fellow friends in a cab. I believe they found the place 30 minutes later
  • Showing Matt and the Pink Panthress his old room
  • Seeing Vero scared of me all night because of the crazy face I had on
  • Watching Bruce Campbell slay some Deadites
  • Holly
  • Dickus Maximum (call him Richard) calling upon the power of Zeus
  • Captain Campus Card (until I found out he had that costume from work!)
  • Taking a shot with a straw
  • The dude at Tim Horton’s giving me the devil sign

Duncan, mad props goes to you for that wicked party! Did anyone happen to find the following items at the party:

  • A shower cap (with a T-Shirt inside)
  • A wallet full of $100s. That’s definitely mine.

I also have a pink feather boa if anyone wants to claim it.


2006 – Year of Stallone

What’s this? Rambo IV is starting filming in the spring?

Rocky VI is following in December of ’06.

Sly, where have you been?

iplaying: A little CCR boys. Run through the jungle…


Terrorist Millionaires

6/49: I’ve had this strange vibe after being overly lucky in the past week. Vero bought a ticket for the 6/49 and I took a look at it. The freakiest thing had occured…she had grabbed a Quick Pick and 5 of the 6 numbers were numbers I used to play. Seriously. What’s the significance of that? Is this a sign? Even if we don’t win the lottery, that’s a pretty freaky coincidence. Also, I went to buy 10 numbers but the attendant misheard and gave me $10 worth instead. Is this a sign? I didn’t bother buying my original ten. I think that when people invest their thoughts into winning the lottery, they become superstitious.

high suspect:I received a letter from Nanny yesterday talking about her trip to Greece. Upon arriving at the Pearson Airport in Toronto, they were informed that they were both a ‘high risk’ and that they would need clearance from the airport manager.

I want to give Pearson a call and ask them since when are two 80 year olds are high suspect on an airflight. They found it very strange as well as I. If you want me to paint a picture…can you imagine your grandmother being a terrorist?


Where are you Trudeau?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if I don’t subscribe to ANY cable TV, I’m supposed to get public access channels, correct? I do have Global and CityTV and others, but where is CBC? I missed the Trudeau documentary this past Sunday because of it! Should I be calling Rogers complaining that I’m not getting my public access TV? Is CBC public access? As far as I knew it was. Someone show me the way. I need my P.E.T.!

playinginthepod: All of My Chemical Romance. I am digging this band.


Six Degrees of Separation

Yesterday I got a great joke in my email from a colleague. Then I was talking to Patricia and she said she got the same joke, but from a different source. I have thought about these occurences more and more with the advent of email. I believe that we are connected closer than we think.

My theory: That we are connected via the Internet in within six degrees of someone.
My findings so far: Many times have I received the same joke from two different sources that I don’t feel are connected (other than knowing myself). So where does the connection between them lie?
My experiment: I want to develop some kind of email to go out and see if it comes back to me. For example, I would send it out to all my contacts. It would have my information on it. It would ask that if you know me AND you didn’t get this email from me personally, to send it back to me, and send it out to everyone you know. I haven’t ironed out the details of what could be flawed with this logic (and of course, the lack of willing participants to forward on this email for this silly little experiment). I would assume that in the second degree, I woudl receive many emails. Such as friends and family members that have met me but I don’t have their email information. What would be interesting is once it gets past the third degree. I want to see how far of a connection can be linked to me. Come full circle.

On a side note, I have a great story from Christiane. Christiane appeared in a news segment when she was a child. They were just interviewing random kids about some topic. So, one day this video comes out of the closet for the family to watch as well as her new husband (or husband to be…I can’t recall when this story actually takes place.) So they are watching this video and lo and behold, Christiane appears and everyone has a good laugh. They keep watching and all of sudden Christiane’s husband says “Hey! That’s me on the video!”. Sure enough, he also appeared on the video on a separate interview at the same event. Please note that Christiane and him did not meet until quite a while later than when they were elementary school. They did not even go to the same school. This event was something going on that all the Ottawa area elementary schools visited. Bizarre.

So they bring the video to Christiane’s sisters place to show her and they are thinking this is the craziest thing ever. Until Christiane’s sister’s husband walks into the room and says “Hey, that’s me on the video!”. Sure enough, he pops out of nowhere, makes a funny face on the camera and walks on.

Three totally unrelated chidren living 50 kms away from each other, going to separate elementary schools, attend an event and all end up on a news segment…later on in life, they are all connected.


update: This post was split into shorter posts so the comments may refer to some wonkiness.


Follow the White Rabbit

When I first moved into the new house, I noticed that there are a slew of rabbits around the area. At first I thought they were the neighbour’s, but it turns out that they have migrated here from the field which has now become home of a mini-mall.

At first, I was not impressed with these rabbits, especially considering one had managed to burrow its way underneath one of the patio stones in the walkway.

All jokes aside about letting it grow bigger and having some wabbit stew, I never noticed the rabbit for a few months.

I get out of my car after a grueling mid-term tonight in Communications class (Boo!) and lo and behold, a white rabbit munching on something two feet away from me, shivering because the temperature is dropping fast (heard it’s going to snow tomorrow. Oh joy.). I can’t help feel bad for this rabbit! What do rabbits do in the winter? Do they hibernate? Is there a humane society for rabbits that I can deliver this one to? Someone help me! I am starting to feel guilty and now the thoughts are pushing towards having a haven in my garage for these creatures of the woods. This is five minutes after exiting my vehicle…I bet when I read this tomorrow I’ll be thinking “What the heck man? It’s only a freakin’ rabbit.”

nowplaying: You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison by My Chemical Romance. So far, MCR is decent. Mike suggested I get into them. They are coming to Ottawa soon. If I like what I hear, maybe I’ll go to the show. I also read on Netphoria that they are comparable to my most beloved band in the world. So far, I don’t think so, but it’s not bad either.



What’s going on in my iPod right now?


It’s all about U2.

I’m slowly getting excited. I brought myself up from disappoitment months ago when I wasn’t able to get tickets to the show.

Now I’m slowly creeping back up.

Tonight: Have a mid-term in my Intro to Mass Communications class. How do I feel about that? Well, it’s multiple choice/true/false questions. Normally that is fine, but I am not a fan of memorizing dates and places and people’s name. “What year was television first introduced in Canada?” “Who sent the first radio broadcast?”

I am hoping that the teacher doesn’t dwell on names and dates, but more on the principles taught in the course. So far, he is a pretty kick ass professor. Best I’ve ever had. He’s even realizes that we won’t retain much from his class, but he feels that if we remember ONE THING that he taught for the rest of our lives, it’s worth it. I agree.

nowplaying: Sunday Bloody Sunday – U2


The Encounter with Krista

So I forgot to add my favourite part about Saturday night at Patty Boland’s. As soon as I walk through the door I stumble into my good friend Krista leaving the place. She has this incredulous look on her face of “What the heck is going on here?!”

I talked to her on Monday and we all had a good laugh about my great outfit on Saturday night.

I’m sending out a thanks to Krista since she has done two cool things in the past while for me:

  • Helped me with my constant painting questions. If anyone needs any help with their interior decorating, Krista is the person to help you. She’s a virtuoso!
  • Having a killer party at her place a few weeks ago. Sadly enough, this was the night after the Collective Soul concert so I was still feeling pretty rough. Anyhow, there was some great nacho dip being made (I’m assuming by her) that I shall have to steal the recipe for. Granted, I won’t even bother making it, but it’s good to have in case I break down and having the craving for it. I must admit that I was shocked to see Krista’s pad seem so…NORMAL! Here she’s going on about interior decorating and whatnot so I’m thinking I will be walking into the most eclectic living space in the world, but no. The walls are white. Krista, what are you waiting for?
  • Hey, I know you read this blog, where are the pictures from that night?

I’m thinking I should have more of these posts where I talk about friends and family so they can say “Hey! I made it onto the blog!”

In other news, I’m looking into this whole $40 M prize for the 6/49 draw on Wednesday.

Would $40 M ruin my life? I’ll let you know. 😉

update: Alright, so I noticed James’ comment asking how the money would ruin one’s life. I’m not denying that I would have a kickass life afterwards, but it’s where you get into the whole “Do I give money to my friends?” issue. If I had a wad of cash to spend, I would most likely want to give a little back to my friends…pay off their house, buy them an island, whatever. But once you go down that route, it’s all or nothing. You either figure out EVERY SINGLE PERSON that would be offended if they didn’t get some cash coming their way, or else you don’t bother so you don’t piss off anyone.

Example: I pay off James’ house. But not Matt’s.
Well, Matt is now pissed. Matt will question what kind of friend I am to him. Chances are, that would strain our friendship.
Maybe I’m overanalyzing this a whole lot. Let’s be honest…I would have a few years to think about this problem while I am on an island somewhere playing old Sierra computer games. Hello Daventry!