
My Love of Hot Apple Cider

What do I cherish more than life itself?

A hot apple cider…man, I’m addicted. I have been known to have one (or sometimes two) a day. I pride myself on the fact that I don’t have any common vices such as coffee or chocolate, but heck, when the cold weather hits, why not warm your insides with some hot goodness?

What are your cold weather delights? I know Duncan likes to pick up quarts of eggnog every time he gets the chance, as they are only offered during the holiday season.

Other cold weather delights:

  • sitting next to the Christmas tree reading a book. Ahhh, the smell. Boo to the fake Christmas trees. They smell like metal.
  • having a nice glass of rye after a big meal

I think I shall also have hot apple cider on hand at the Christmas bash this year. Not sure how to go about this…I’m assuming a huge pot with some apple cider should do the trick.


Arcade Fire Update

Can I just say that my week is getting better and better?

Turns out that The Arcade Fire is opening for U2 in Ottawa…originally they were not.

EXCELLENT! I am pumped.

In other news David Bowie and the Arcade Fire have teamed up for an EP release.

Dang…only available on iTunes. I may have to finally buy something off of that horrid site.


8 Levels of Dating
(warning, not for the faint of heart)

Excellent find by Krista!


Review: Vertigo Tour 2005 DVD

Gearing up the concert on Friday, I decided to pop my new purchase into my DVD player. Can’t hurt to listen to a little U2 in some sweet surround sound.

I bought this last week and previewed a few tracks at Vero’s (where I discovered that U2 may or may not be a liked band by her. I have to introduce her to the Joshua Tree.) and I must admit I was disappointed. The band seemed to just stand there, no energy whatsoever…almost like they were starting to become…old.

I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and watch it from the beginning. So far, I watched 1/2 the concert and all my fears have been dismissed. The experience which is U2 is still evident in the Vertigo tour (at least, from the DVD) and I was in awe watching it. If you like tour dvd’s, I would say pick this one up. So far, it’s great. I must admit I think the Elevation Tour DVD may be a little better, but I haven’t watched the whole thing yet.


No Coldplay for Me

I’m pretty pissed at myself because I forgot to get Coldplay tix on Saturday. I found out the hard way.

Checking phone msgs…
Benoit: “Hey Ryan! I read on your blog that you’re going to get tix to Coldplay! Give me a call. I want in.”
Ryan (looking at his watch and realizing it’s 8 hours after they went on sale): “SONOFA!”

So, needless to say, even with them opening up ANOTHER date in Toronto due to the impressive ticket sales, I got nothing. This is the second time on the Twisted Logic tour that I missed out.

Woe is really me. Sure, I see a lot of other bands, but I was REALLY wanting to see Coldplay.


Sunday Recap: Ho Ho Ho

Went to Cora’s with Maren, Christina and Jeff who just got back from Europe. Envy! Cora’s is good, but for a guy who doesn’t really care for breakfast, it irks me to pay a lot for something I really don’t care about. Give the man a sandwich any day!

Spent the afternoon hanging up my Christmas lights outside as well as going shopping with Shannon. He did well, but I only managed to pick up something for my sister. All in good time. I’m all about this year. I think I’ve put in four orders to them so far. As long as you are over $39, it’s all good (aka free shipping). I think I’ve got Mom hooked on it. I’m glad, because living in the North offers little selection.

Can I just note that my new vice in life is Hot Apple Cider? YUM!

I must say that my Christmas lights look pretty sharp. I didn’t know how they would turn out, but I can’t complain. Although I swear some of them are blue. An odd colour. I am trying to figure out when to unplug them…should I leave them on all night long or should I unplug them before going to bed? Economically, before bed sounds about right. PLUS, everyone is asleep during the night, so who cares if they are on?

Heads up: If anyone knows how to print off panoramic shots…you know, the ones you stitch together…I want to print one off but am unsure of how that works in the land of printing out digital photos.

Did I mention I’m going to see U2 with Joelle this Friday. Awwww yeah.


Saturday Recap: Walking on Thin Ice

There are times in life where you realize you should bring a camera with you at all times. Saturday was one of those times.

Saturday morning – Went out with Shannon to his property where he placed a few trailers together along with a sun deck. Pretty sweet location if you ask me. Out in the middle of Quebec wilderness along with his own private lake. Divine.

The reason for going up was to go to the other side of the lake and pick up the canoe which was stuck over there. Sadly enough, when we got there, we discovered the canoe had blown into the bay/swampy area.

We’re men, so as all men think, we won’t just leave until Spring. We examine the lake and realize there is at an inch of ice formed, so we decide to brave it across. Worst case scenario – fall into about three feet of freezing water.

Being the gallant fellow that Shannon is, he volunteers to go across the ice while I get to hold the rope on the shore. We decide to go to the other side of the lake where there is more swamp (aka, more tufts of grass poking out of the ice which will be nice to step on). We tie the rope to the ladder he will use to distribute the weight across the ice.

Off he goes. I pack my items into my jacket in case I have to make a split second dive into the water to save him. At least I can throw my jacket to the shore with my wallet.

Not suprisingly, Shannon has no problems whatsoever getting to the canoe. At one point he was on his own since the rope was too short to go to the middle of the lake.

I trekked to the other side, grabbed the ladder which he flung across the ice and watched as he canoed across the ice back home.

Men at work.

Went to Peggy’s for a good club sandwich, and caught the ferry across to Ottawa. Excellent! I’ve never been on the ferry here so I was excited. I must appear funny to Shannon as he has probably done this trek a billion times, but to me, being on the water is enthralling.

Saw a dozen wild turkey run across the road as we drove to Constance Bay. Met up with Maureen and her father as we checked out a hall and church for Shannon and Maureen’s wedding. It was a decent location. It’s interesting to see all the thoughts that go into a wedding and how much prep time is needed.

Went back into Ottawa and watched the hockey game with Shannon and Maureen and headed home.

All in all, a most EXCELLENT day. Too bad I didn’t have my camera! We could have made a mini-movie out of the stunts we pulled that day.


Friday Recap: ALL IN!
Check out Matt’s blog for a recap of Friday night’s poker game. I was impressed with how well I played. However, it’s all about the cards you are dealt and Dave dealt really shitty once it came down to Shannon and I.

Also went to the 67’s game Friday night which was fun. Beer and peanuts are the way to go at a hockey game. ACTUALLY, let’s talk about peanuts for a moment. They are the ultimate snack. It takes you effort to eat them, so you don’t eat much. It strengthens your thumb muscles. It helps you drink less beer at a hockey game (ideal for the guys who drive there).

Two (well used) thumbs up.


LINK: John Lennon…25 Years Later

Interesting article on John Lennon.



Last night, I went to La Nouvelle Scene on King Edward to watch the play Couteau…SEPT FACONS ORIGINALES DE TUER QUELQU’UN AVEC.

This is another forray into the theatrical arts wish I thoroughly enjoy. I like going to see people act in front of me…if I may say so, it may even be better than watching a movie. I prefer the smaller productions than the massive ones where you are a kilometer away from the stage.

Let’s be honest. My first language is not French. I am not perfectly bilingual. I think I’m above average. So how is watching a French play?

Not bad. I get the gist of much of the play usually (with the help of watching actions also). Sometimes they go off on monologues with lingo I don’t understand…it’s understandable as not many people speak the language they learn in school. Take the difference between yes/yeah and oui/ouai.

Anyhow, the play was pretty good. Actually, I personally thought it was quite disturbing. It revolved around a simple premise…a knife (couteau). The knife was shown in many different ways, whether it be in killing someone, shaving, cutting St. Hubert chicken (no joke!), or (my personal fave) being advertised on an informercial (these knives can cut through anything!).

The play revolved around a psychologist analyzing a patient who was saddened because he threw away a fisherman’s knife into the water when he was a child, and that this knife was the sole thing that the fisherman loved. He ruined the fisherman’s life. A dialogue would take place between the psychologist and the patient, and then the play would switch over to a different skit involving a knife…whether it be a murder, or someone shaving, etc.

The more disturbing scene was when the knife is used in a very violent fashion and you were left in shock, and then it changes the scene to the most satirical use of a knife I’ve ever seen – the infomercial; where the knife does not become some object of violence, but a wonder tool which can bring you happiness. I found this concept to be enthralling after witnessing the brutality of what a knife can do to a human being. Instill fear, inflict pain.

All in all, I was impressed with the entire production and one day hope to understand French just a little more so I can go back and watch this again.