So far, so good in terms of blogging. I find I enjoy it so far and I am not losing interest. Here’s some reasons that I feel blogging is great:
– I feel connected to you all. I’m not talking about the random people who stumble upon my Blog and don’t even know who I am. I’m talking about the family and friends I have reading this every day to see what the heck I’m up to. In a strange way, I feel that the more connected the world makes us (technological wonders) the more disconnected we become. E-Mail is light years ahead of the postal service…Instant Messenging has become the written form of the telephone. I feel that I don’t put enough effort into sending a quick email to people to give them an update on my life. If I choose to do so, I end up writing 1000s of words that intimidate the reader. They’re thinking “Oh man, I have to respond to that?!”. Forget it.
– I feel I have great stories. I feel that whenever an event happens in my life, I like to add flavour to it and perhaps embellish a little on the details. I make the events in my life grand! So I love the fact that this blog can be a document of my life. A snapshot of what is going through my head at the time and what is happening…in essence this may have become the extension of my Eurotrip 2005 journals that I kept while on the road. In my journals I not only wrote about what I was doing, but what I was feeling at the moment, or what music I was listening to. It gave me a perfect collection of the surroundings so I can remember exactly what I was doing at the time. I feel like the blog has become the new Doogie Howser M.Dium of having a diary. It’s great. Granted, no one in their right mind actually airs out their thoughts on work, friends, or other drama-creating machines that are in their life in fear of having inner thoughts becoming public. Imagine if someone wrote how they hated their boss and then one of their co-workers sent the link to them? Sweet Hammer of Thor!
– Vero pointed out in some research on blogs that people feel a bit of fame. They love it when they hear about a certain post on your blog, or if people leave comments. It indicates that whatever you’re doing is an event in someone else’s lives.
What are the drawbacks of a blog? So far, the only thing I can see is the fact that (once again) it may make people become more and more distant. People will tune into my blog and know everything that is going on, but will they bother phoning me to talk about the exact same topics? Probably not. Let’s be honest…I’m not the best for returning phone calls to begin with. (By the way Duncan, I’m not bringing Smashing Pumpkin pie to the potluck on Monday, so you can go ahead.) However, at the same time, it hasn’t been too bad. I learn about what others are doing and I can either leave a comment or send them an email asking them more about how they wired their stereo, or how they are making out with Lavalife.
I’m thankful for all of you in my life and now I feel a little more connected to you. It feels like I’m sending out a mass email to all my family and friends to let them know what’s going on in my head. Sometimes that’s all a person needs to know…how their friend is doing.
This post goes out to Carol whom I made a deal with to call every 22nd of the month since we felt that we drifted apart. I’ll admit that I haven’t done so in the past few months due to the purchase of the house and moving in and whatnot. The 22nd of October is a Saturday. Sweet. I’ll be calling you then Carol.
Happy Thanksgiving tout le monde. Eat a lot of turkey and have a drink.