Concert Reviews

Review: The Watchmen at Ottawa Congress Centre


Concert Reviews

Review: U2 at Centre Molson

Memories written in 2019

I have so many memories from this trip even 18 years later.  Shawn had gotten me into U2 so when we heard they were coming to town we decided to head down to Montreal to see them.

My 1986 Calais broke down in the middle of downtown Montreal in the middle of rush hour.  There was steam coming from the engine.  Shawn and I had no idea what was going on.  We called Lynn and he eventually told us to get a tow truck.  I left Shawn downtown and I headed to the garage to drop the car off and the tow truck driver was nice enough to drop me off back at the Molson Centre in another bout of traffic since the show was happening.

Shawn and I missed the opener (Garbage) but we showed up just in time to get a sweet spot on the floor at the apex of the heart stage.  It was (and still is) one of the top concerts I have ever witnessed.  This is the concert that made me a U2 fan and I have been seeing them every chance I can get since then.

After the show we managed to find a hotel room for the night.  I still remember Shawn wearing his Senators jersey and someone badmouthing the Sens and I thought “Are we going to get beat up here?!”


Beautiful Day
Until the End of the World
New Year’s Day
Out of Control
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of @Info[with “When Will I See You Again” (The Three Degrees) snippet]

Acoustic Set
Angel of Harlem
Staring at the Sun

Bad @Info[with “All Down the Line” (The Rolling Stones) and “40” snippets]
Where the Streets Have No Name
Mysterious Ways
Pride (In the Name of Love)

Bullet the Blue Sky
What’s Going On [Marvin Gaye]
New York
With or Without You @Info[with “Shine Like Stars” coda]
Walk On @Info[with “Peace on Earth” snippet]



Concert Reviews

Review: Matchbox Twenty at Corel Centre

Notes from scrapbook

Eric and I went to see Lifehouse and MB20.  Lifehouse was excellent!

Memories written in 2019

I still remember going to supper beforehand and it was taking so long that we figured we would miss Lifehouse.  We convinced Matt to drive us ahead of time.  I don’t regret that move because we showed up JUST in time.

Concert Reviews

Review: Everclear at Ottawa Congress Centre

Notes from scrapbook

Went with Eric, Mike and his friends.  Unknown, and Nickelback opened.  Very hot.

Notes from my memory writing this in 2019

I’m pretty sure this was the concert where Eric came all the way from Kingston and forgot his tickets in Kingston.  He kept telling me this and I didn’t believe him until the next day.  We ended up buying a ticket off of someone (maybe Mike’s friend?).  I’m pretty sure this was the weekend we also visited Jason and Mike at their residence and wreaked havoc.



Song from an American Movie, Part 1
So Much for the Afterglow
When It All Goes Wrong Again
Your Genius Hands
Electra Made Me Blind
Everything to Everyone
AM Radio
Rock Star
The Good Witch of the North
The Honeymoon Song
Unemployed Boyfriend
Out of My Depth
I Will Buy You a New Life
Santa Monica

Misery Whip
Father of Mine
Heroin Girl


Concert Reviews

Review: Tony D Band at Tuscon’s


Concert Reviews

Review: Wide Mouth Mason at Barrymore’s Music Hall

Notes from scrapbook

I believe I went with Joe to this.

Opening Band



Concert Reviews

Review: Collective Soul at Congress Centre

Notes from scrapbook

Collective Soul!  Won these tix from the Bear and brought Mike along.  The best part was when they played Highway To Hell!  He brought a friend from Ottawa U and we all had a great time.  Memory: The drunk couple in front of us!  🙂


Concert Reviews

Review: Live and Counting Crows at Molson Centre (Montreal)

Notes from scrapbook

Erica, Larisa, Phil, Joe and I took off for Montreal where we went to a really cool pub.  Crows were alright but the Live concert was spectacular!  Think being five rows away helps the experience!  Galaxie opened.

Setlist – Counting Crows


Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby
Mr. Jones
I Wish I Was a Girl
Goodnight Elisabeth
Children in Bloom
Another Horsedreamer’s Blues
All My Friends
Perfect Blue Buildings
A Murder of One

A Long December

Setlist – Live


They Stood Up for Love
All Over You
The Beauty of Gray
The Distance
Voodoo Lady
Shit Towne
Deep Enough
The Dolphin’s Cry
Lakini’s Juice

Run to the Water
I Alone
Lightning Crashes
Dance With You


Review: Summersault 2000 at Molson Park (Barrie)

Notes from scrapbook

Went alone to Summersault to see the Pumpkins for the last time.  🙁  I met up with a few guys which was great!  Let’s see….who did I see.  Pumpkins, Finger Eleven, Foo Fighters, A Perfect Circle, Our Lady Peace, Eve 6, Treble Charger…to name a few.  Pumpkins were great.  It was worth the trip.

Further notes from my memory writing this in 2019

I find it hilarious that I wrote that I met a few guys which was great.  You know what really happened?  Two guys needed directions to Molson Park so I pointed out how to get there and they offered me a ride.  I then hung out with them for a few hours, even to the point of hanging out with them for supper.  While having a slice of pizza one of the guy’s ask me what I think about God and religion and all of that stuff.  Hey, I’m an open minded guy but alarm bells were ringing saying “Oh man, they are going to convert me to something!  Get the heck out!!!”  I answered some questions and then told them I was going to check out the merchandise booth and never went back!

Setlist – Smashing Pumpkins

Glass and the Ghost Children
The Everlasting Gaze
Heavy Metal Machine
The Sacred and Profane
Stand Inside Your Love
An Ode to No One
Don’t You Want Me [The Human League] @Info[Melissa sang the male lead and James sang the female]
I of the Mourning @Info[with “Du Hast” tease]
Once Upon a Time
Cherub Rock
Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Once in a Lifetime [Talking Heads]

Setlist – Our Lady Peace

One Man Army
The Birdman
Automatic Flowers
Superman’s Dead
Is Anybody Home?
Stealing Babies
Everyone’s a Junkie @Info[Demo version; different lyrics from version released on Spiritual Machines]
Life @Info[Pre-release of Spiritual Machines]

Setlist – Foo Fighters

Learn to Fly
My Hero
For All the Cows
This Is a Call
Big Me
Stacked Actors
Next Year
Monkey Wrench

Setlist – A Perfect Circle

The Hollow
Sleeping Beauty
3 Libras
Thinking of You

Setlist – Finger Eleven

First Time
For the Ocean
Drag You Down

My Carousel


Concert Reviews

Review: AC/DC at Air Canada Centre

Notes from scrapbook

Who DOESN’T like AC/DC?  Danny, Mike and I drove from Kap to see this wild concert.  Slash’s Snakepit opened and they played Nightrain.  AC/DC was great with their classic rock symbolism.


Life’s Sweet Drug
Been There Lately
Just Like Anything
Mean Bone
Back to the Moment
Serial Killer
It’s So Easy [Guns N’ Roses]
Mr. Brownstone [Guns N’ Roses]

Ain’t Life Grand
Speed Parade


You Shook Me All Night Long
Stiff Upper Lip
Shot Down in Flames
Hell Ain’t a Bad Place to Be
Hard as a Rock
Shoot to Thrill
Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution
Safe in New York City [Live debut]
Bad Boy Boogie
Hells Bells
Satellite Blues
The Jack
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Back in Black
Highway to Hell
Whole Lotta Rosie
Let There Be Rock

The Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomond [Traditional]
For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)