Concert Reviews

Review: Nine Inch Nails at Maple Leaf Gardens (Toronto)

Notes about this show written in 2019

19 years later and this is still one of the epic concerts Eric and I went to.  Epic in that I arrived in Ajax, Eric never showed up and then I got in touch with him Saturday afternoon in Kingston.  Turns out that he lost the address of my Aunt’s place and couldn’t find her in the phone book so stayed in a donut shop all night long hoping that I would come looking for him.  He went back home the next day.  When I phoned him up, I convinced him to hop back onto a bus and come down for a great show.  A great story.

Setlist – A Perfect Circle

3 Libras
Sleeping Beauty
Thinking of You

Setlist – Nine Inch Nails

The New Flesh / Pinion @Tape
Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
The Frail
The Wretched
Gave Up
La Mer
The Great Below
The Mark Has Been Made
Suck [Pigface]
Get Down, Make Love [Queen]
Head Like a Hole

The Day the World Went Away
Just Like You Imagined
Starfuckers, Inc.

Concert Reviews

Review: Our Lady Peace at Ottawa Civic Centre

Notes from scrapbook:

Cool things happened concerning the OLP concert.  First off I won 2 tickets AFTER I had bought some but also sent in a vocal review of the show into the band’s website.  THEN Amanda got us into the soundcheck where we met the band and got their autographs.  Mike was a very cool guy who seemed to be in it for the fans.  I went with Ryan, Larisa, Joe, Amanda, Lindsay, Shawn and his friend.


Is Anybody Home?
Teardrop [Massive Attack]

Dirty Walls
The Birdman
Automatic Flowers
One Man Army
Stealing Babies
Teadrop [Massive Attack]


Is Anybody Home?
Superman’s Dead


Concert Reviews

Review: Live at Robert Guertin Arena

Notes from scrapbook: Went with Joe and Scott.  Edwin sucked and Live rocked.  It was cool that I won tickets from The Bear but even cooler how we snuck into the floor.


Where Fishes Go
Operation Spirit (The Tyranny of Tradition)
All Over You
Selling the Drama
The Distance
Shit Towne
Pillar of Davidson
Imagine [John Lennon]
The Dolphin’s Cry
Lakini’s Juice

Run to the Water
Lightning Crashes
I Alone

They Stood Up for Love
Dance With You


Concert Reviews

Review: I Mother Earth at Fed Hall (Waterloo)

Notes from scrapbook

Went to this concert at Fed Hall with Larisa, Kevin and friends.  See Spot Run opened and that’s where I busted my glasses!

Concert Reviews

Review: Our Lady Peace at Corel Centre

I remember we were excited to ring in the year 2000 by going to this concert.  Then it got cancelled.


Concert Reviews

Review: The Tea Party at Civic Centre Theatre (Lansdowne Park)

Notes from scrapbook: Went with Joe and Amanda.  Very cool concert in support of Triptych.  Edwin opened.  Pretty cool.


Army Ants
Fire in the Head
Great Big Lie
The Bazaar
Heaven Coming Down
The Messenger [Daniel Lanois]
The Halcyon Days
Save Me

Sister Awake



Concert Review: Joe 90/Gigolo Aunts/Counting Crows Metropolis Montreal, QC November 13, 1999

Counting Crows-Metropolis, Montreal November 13, 1999

Went along with Joe and Amanda.  Great place to have a concert….like Barrymore’s but bigger.

Joe 90 and Gigolo Aunts opened.  Gigolo Aunts were really great and Dan came out for the last song and he was wearing a funny hat.

Charlie comes out talking about the AIDS booth in the corner and how to get information from it.

Then the radio station comes in and tells us this is being broadcasted over the radio and the net.  Too bad I didn’t get a copy!

Starts off with Magical Mystery Tour.  
Mr. Jones-Same as always…little intro and then rips into the cool version.  Some guys started to crowd surf at this point.
Daylight Fading-I love this song and the lighting was great.  Dan was wild in the solo.
Children In Bloom-First for me.  Never heard it live.  Very cool and Matt had a great bass solo.
High Life-Introduces this song while holding up a bristle board from a fan…it seemed to ask if he could play guitar on a song and he was saying how they already had enough guitarists on stage and they were handsome handsome devils.   Introduced this song as off This Desert Life and it was pretty cool.
Omaha-Awesome accordion by Charlie.  Gotta love it.
Monkey-I couldn’t believe they played this song.  I never heard of them ever playing this and he even admitted he hasn’t played it for 3 years.  He talked about meeting a Canadian girl in New York which prompted an interest in this optimistic love song again.  Loved it!
Another HorseDreamer’s Blues-Great stuff!  I love this song more ever since I saw it live in Kitchener and I’ve been playing it on guitar forever.  
Catpult!!!-By far my favourite Crows song.  I couldn’t believe they played it.
Hangin Around-Brought Joe 90 and Gigolo Aunts out for this one and had all of us clapping.
Amy Hits the Atmosphere-Adam sat at the piano for this one and the place shook when they sang ‘I’ve waited so long’.
All My Friends-Good song.
I Wish I was  A Girl-WICKED!  I love the lead in this song and it just builds up at the end!  It was great.
St. Robinson And His Cadillac Dream-Good song.
Rain King-Great song with a little improv in the middle.
A Murder of One-Rocking song.  I felt that the crowd just wasn’t as kerazy as the Kitchener crowd but I got right into this song.
Anna Begins-Always a favourite.
Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby-Thank God they played this song.  It looked like they just came up with it too since it wasn’t on the setlist (that I caught a look of later on.).  He sat down for this one and was shaking hands and stuff.
A Long December-Had a new intro with the accordion and piano.  Kind of neat.
Walkaways-Started the song and stopped it concerned with a fan who might have fallen down.  Then he goes ‘ah shit’ cause they never really fell down (I think).  They started the song up again.  Awesome song.

Concert Reviews

Review: Counting Crows at Metropolis (Montreal)

Notes from scrapbook:

Very cool concert!  It was even on a webcast!  Joe 90 opened.  Went to this with Amanda and Joe.  Almost got killed driving there.  Thanks Amanda!

Opening bands

Joe 90

Gigolo Aunts


Mr. Jones
Miller’s Angels
Daylight Fading
Children in Bloom
High Life
All My Friends
Another Horsedreamer’s Blues
I Wish I Was a Girl
Amy Hit the Atmosphere
A Murder of One
St. Robinson in His Cadillac Dream
Rain King
Thunder Road [Bruce Springsteen]
Hanginaround @With Gigolo Aunts

Anna Begins
Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby
A Long December

Concert Reviews

Review: Wide Mouth Mason at Strait’s Dance Hall (Ottawa)

Memories written in 2019

All I really remember about this show was being directly in front of the band and it was a show where the stage was at level with the crowd (think Heart and Crown).  Pretty wild!

Concert Reviews

Review: The Cranberries at Molson Ampitheatre

Notes from scrapbook:

Went with Larisa, Kevin, Angela and two of her friends.  Collective Soul was awesome and so were The Cranberries.  Molson Ampitheatre is pretty cool.

Setlist (The Cranberries)

Animal Instinct
No Need to Argue
You and Me
When You’re Gone
Daffodil Lament
I Can’t Be With You
The Icicle Melts
Ridiculous Thoughts
Dying in the Sun

Setlist (Collective Soul)

Tremble for My Beloved
Precious Declaration
The World I Know
No More, No Less
Where the River Flows
I Will Follow [U2]