Concert Reviews

Review: The Smashing Pumpkins – Maple Leaf Gardens – Toronto ON

Notes from scrapbook:

Smashing Pumpkins!!!  Went down with Kevin Stewart one weekend.  Awesome show.  Grant Lee Buffalo opened up.  Pretty well some of the worst spots in the gardens but the experience was still there.


Grant Lee Buffalo


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness @Tape
Where Boys Fear to Tread
Fuck You (An Ode to No One)
To Forgive
Tonight, Tonight
Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Cherub Rock
Thru the Eyes of Ruby

Porcelina of the Vast Oceans @Info[With “Beautiful” and “Rocket” tease outro]

Some Kind of Wonderful [Carole King]

Silverfuck @Info[With “The Aeroplane Flies High” tease outro]




Concert Review: Alanis Morisette/Our Lady Peace Ottawa ON August 9, 1996

I know it's been a while since august 9th but I was always too lazy to write a review. I'll write one now. 

I saw the Alanis show at the Corel Centre, and even though Our Lady Peace got a warm welcome, it was definetly the
Morissette crowd. 

Frente was the first band playing, (the seats were about 60% filled at this point) and they stunk. I had never heard Frente
before and I hope I never will again. All they did was make me look even more forward to Our Lady Peace, who I had paid
40$ to see. The only song name I remember is hands under my ass or something. The biggest cheer they got was when they
said it was their last song.

It was a long wait for Our Lady Peace, but well worth it. The way the got the crowd excited was to start turning the box light
soff then the rest.

Overall the show was great, their performance anyway. They don't have the money Alanis does, so there wasn't a big lights
display or anything. A lot of people seemed to enjoy it and know the words to the popular songs, but it wasn't electric when
they performed.
#1 they played Hope, live hope is a harder song, I like it better.

#2 They played a new song, I think it had the word big in it, but I was pretty high up and I couldn't hear. I like it, it was a pretty
hard song, but I've only heard it once and I don't really remember it. 

#3 I think this is where they played "Birdman", sounded pretty much the same, but still excellent, the groups energy was starting
to pick up. They don't jump around a lot or anything, maybe they would if they had a more intemant croud who was there to
see them. 

#4 Here they played a song called "Trapeze", he first told the story of the song. It was about this trapeze guy in the russian
circus, he was married to another trapeze person and he had found out that she was having an affair with the human cannonball
(people laghed at that). The song was about the few seconds inbetween the time he was on the platform and in the air, deciding
weather or not to catch his wife. He told the story better then me. It was another great song, there is something different about
the new stuff, I can't put my finger on it, it sounds like it will be more popular. It is definatly OLP though. I couldn't decide if this
song or Clumsy was my favorit of the 4 new songs. 

#5 STARSEED, great performance, a lot of energy, everyone knew the songs and got into it. It wasn't the best performance of
the night though, that tells you how good they are. This was the second time you could hear the patented "YAHEE" always a
crowd pleaser. 

#6 Another new one, called Car Crash, and you guessed it, it's about a car crash. The hurt of losing people I think, that sort of
thing. Now, I don't like to compare the sound of this song to "Under Zenith" but it is the UZ of the new songs. Slower, and
there was a lot of passion when it was sung, maybe it stems from personal experience.

#7 CLUMSY, this is the best "lighter waving" song ever made by Our Lady Peace. I liked it a lot, I think the band does too as
it was the last of the new ones performed and they got into it. Raine plays guitar on most of the new ones. It adds something to
the songs, not better, not worse, just different. 

#8 NAVEED, I've heard from a lot of people that this is fun as hell to play, and it must be true. They were amazing on this
song, finishing the set with the best of their performences. 

That was it, I was hopping they were just taking a break, but allas they were done. I still stand by the fact that I have never
heard a bad OLP song. I can't wait for the new album whatever it will be called. I'm pretty sure there was a lot of work put into
it. My friends and I were the only ones in the Arena who gave a standing O after every song. 

There was a real long wait for Alanis, now the arean was 100% filled, most of the people showed up for OLP. Just before the
lights went off the wave started up, I didn't think that happened at conerts, I guess it was the building's fault. 

When the lights went out everyone went nuts for about 10 minutes, a longer ovation then Guy Lafleur got when they said
goodbye to him at the forum. It was electric, and even if you don't like Alanis you'd have appreciated the show, and
atmosphere. This was now a rock concert. 

There were a few good songs, nothing real bad, pretty good music. She puts a lot of effort into her performances but the music
was not close the the OLP standard. 

The only thing that annoyed me is that she did a 2 songs encore, left and then did another 1 song encore, waiting like 10
minutes each time. I was getting annoyed, "You Learn" was exactly scene by scene like the video. Totally worth the money and
I'd do it again. 

One last note on the Corel Centre, there isn't a bad seat in the house, unless of course you are behind the stage. 

"I let go of the world I was holding a passenger that could not fly" 


Our Lady Peace 

Shawn Mullin 

Concert Reviews

Alanis Morissette/Our Lady Peace-August 9, 1996

I know it’s been a while since august 9th but I was always too lazy to write a review. I’ll write one now.

I saw the Alanis show at the Corel Centre, and even though Our Lady Peace got a warm welcome, it was definetly the
Morissette crowd.

Frente was the first band playing, (the seats were about 60% filled at this point) and they stunk. I had never heard Frente
before and I hope I never will again. All they did was make me look even more forward to Our Lady Peace, who I had paid
40$ to see. The only song name I remember is hands under my ass or something. The biggest cheer they got was when they
said it was their last song.

It was a long wait for Our Lady Peace, but well worth it. The way the got the crowd excited was to start turning the box light
soff then the rest.

Overall the show was great, their performance anyway. They don’t have the money Alanis does, so there wasn’t a big lights
display or anything. A lot of people seemed to enjoy it and know the words to the popular songs, but it wasn’t electric when
they performed.
#1 they played Hope, live hope is a harder song, I like it better.

#2 They played a new song, I think it had the word big in it, but I was pretty high up and I couldn’t hear. I like it, it was a pretty
hard song, but I’ve only heard it once and I don’t really remember it.

#3 I think this is where they played “Birdman”, sounded pretty much the same, but still excellent, the groups energy was starting
to pick up. They don’t jump around a lot or anything, maybe they would if they had a more intemant croud who was there to
see them.

#4 Here they played a song called “Trapeze”, he first told the story of the song. It was about this trapeze guy in the russian
circus, he was married to another trapeze person and he had found out that she was having an affair with the human cannonball
(people laghed at that). The song was about the few seconds inbetween the time he was on the platform and in the air, deciding
weather or not to catch his wife. He told the story better then me. It was another great song, there is something different about
the new stuff, I can’t put my finger on it, it sounds like it will be more popular. It is definatly OLP though. I couldn’t decide if this
song or Clumsy was my favorit of the 4 new songs.

#5 STARSEED, great performance, a lot of energy, everyone knew the songs and got into it. It wasn’t the best performance of
the night though, that tells you how good they are. This was the second time you could hear the patented “YAHEE” always a
crowd pleaser.

#6 Another new one, called Car Crash, and you guessed it, it’s about a car crash. The hurt of losing people I think, that sort of
thing. Now, I don’t like to compare the sound of this song to “Under Zenith” but it is the UZ of the new songs. Slower, and
there was a lot of passion when it was sung, maybe it stems from personal experience.

#7 CLUMSY, this is the best “lighter waving” song ever made by Our Lady Peace. I liked it a lot, I think the band does too as
it was the last of the new ones performed and they got into it. Raine plays guitar on most of the new ones. It adds something to
the songs, not better, not worse, just different.

#8 NAVEED, I’ve heard from a lot of people that this is fun as hell to play, and it must be true. They were amazing on this
song, finishing the set with the best of their performences.

That was it, I was hopping they were just taking a break, but allas they were done. I still stand by the fact that I have never
heard a bad OLP song. I can’t wait for the new album whatever it will be called. I’m pretty sure there was a lot of work put into
it. My friends and I were the only ones in the Arena who gave a standing O after every song.

There was a real long wait for Alanis, now the arean was 100% filled, most of the people showed up for OLP. Just before the
lights went off the wave started up, I didn’t think that happened at conerts, I guess it was the building’s fault.

When the lights went out everyone went nuts for about 10 minutes, a longer ovation then Guy Lafleur got when they said
goodbye to him at the forum. It was electric, and even if you don’t like Alanis you’d have appreciated the show, and
atmosphere. This was now a rock concert.

There were a few good songs, nothing real bad, pretty good music. She puts a lot of effort into her performances but the music
was not close the the OLP standard.

The only thing that annoyed me is that she did a 2 songs encore, left and then did another 1 song encore, waiting like 10
minutes each time. I was getting annoyed, “You Learn” was exactly scene by scene like the video. Totally worth the money and
I’d do it again.

One last note on the Corel Centre, there isn’t a bad seat in the house, unless of course you are behind the stage.

“I let go of the world I was holding a passenger that could not fly”


Our Lady Peace

Shawn Mullin


Review: Henry Rollins University of Toronto September 30, 1995

Joel's Rating System
***** Fuckin' excellent
**** Awesome
*** Ah, Ah (shake hands)
** Find something else
* Destroy the Advertisement
It was a three hour lecture given by Henry Rollins, former frontman of Black Flag and now the frontman of the Rollins Band.
He has released many albums with Black Flag and The Rollins Band, but he has also released books, audio books, and spoken
word albums. He lectured on September 30th, 1995 (my birthday!!!) and it was amazing. He is half-comic and
half-visionary-he can make you laugh at the same time as make you think-he is truly human. He talked for 3 hours straight and it
flew by because I got so enveloped in his thoughts and stuff, that I was surely moved. I highly recommend his spoken word
performances but I have not seen one of his live performances with the Rollins Band, but I am assured that it is as equally
moving. The energy is surely in the room when he speaks for he has seen a lot of the horrors of life and he makes you reflect on
your own experiences. Note: he is not a psychologist but a rocker who is very knowledgeable! ***** 
Joel Aubin