
Palmer River Rink

The neighbours pointed out that the creek/river (known as the Palmer River in our house) has frozen over to the point that you can skate on it.  Vero and Sierra went and brushed off a patch to have some fun.



Billionaire goals

We had a good chuckle at this piece of creative writing Sierra wrote.  I, too wish to be a billionaire.


Review: A Masterpiece in Disarray

In my quest to read/finish books in my backlog, I was up early one morning because Ezra had pains in his legs and I couldn’t fall back asleep.  I spied this book on the shelf (quite timely since David Lynch passed away a few days ago) and finally finished it.

I love oral histories.  I think they are the greatest way to provide some historical context.  This book was an interesting read if you wanted to know the in behind the scenes disaster which was the original Dune movie.

One of my favourite parts was learning that a stillsuit from Dune was incorporated into the ending of Evil Dead 2.  No way!

I would have to say that you need to be a mega fan of Dune to enjoy this book because it really gets into the details.




One day I said to Ezra “Don’t you have things in your room that you never play with?  Let’s look at them!”

We pulled out this interactive globe called Orboot and it was quite fun.  We played a quiz where you had to answer questions about certain animals and if you didn’t know the answer, you search for that animal on the globe using augmented reality on the iPad and it will produce some facts about that animal.


Future synthmaster

Ezra and I were playing with the synthesizer one afternoon and Ezra stumbled upon a really interesting sound that I’m developing into a song.  We sent this video to Abbey and she said “Wow, he’s really concentrating!”


First snowshoe of the year

A quick jaunt over to the Vars cemetery for some afternoon of fun.  Vero commented that she was surprised none of the kids put up too much of a fuss when we got there.  I think she’s scarred from the first skate of the year where Ezra just laid there and cried the entire time!

At the end of our trek Ezra and I took the main path out and Sierra and Maman took another.  It was a race to the car!  There was much laughter at the end when we were trying to figure out who the winner was.  Was it the team who touched the car first?  Was it the team who entered the car first?  I had to throw my snowshoes into the car for Ezra and I to win but Sierra and Maman say that doesn’t count. Who knows who won?

Ezra and I know who won, that’s who.


Growing boy

The teachers at school mentioned that Ezra needs more snacks in his lunchbox.  This was getting a little crazy because he was already taking 7-8 snacks.  We went all out one day and packed ten snacks and the boy ate them all!  The teachers figure he’s in the middle of a growth spurt!


Saturday – Throne Building

Saturdays and Sundays around our house are typically slow moving.

7AM – We hear the pitter patter of Ezra jumping out of bed and waking up his sister.  I find this hilarious because they don’t technically do things together at 7am.  One of them watches YouTube kids on the TV and the other has an iPad in hand watching YouTube kids.  Once in awhile you can hear them talking.  “Look at that craft they are making!  OOoh.”

9AM – Generally this is when Vero or I roll out of bed to see what’s going on.  Usually there are Cheerios surrounding Ezra to the point where I wonder how many actually made it into his mouth!

10AM – Maman usually makes a nice breakfast like french toast or oeuf dans le trou.

At minimum we are doing laundry during the weekend and some Saturdays we clean up the house.  Vero supposedly grew up like this so she’s trying to get us to do the same thing.  At least she doesn’t force us to do it if we have other plans!

It was a mix of rain and snow yesterday so we found a time around 3PM to venture outside and build a fortress wall near the road.  The plan was for me to walk along the road and the kids would throw snowballs at me.  They did this last year and wanted to continue the tradition.

Unfortunately the fort wall collapsed about 30 minutes into building it so the kids decided to build snow thrones with cup holders in it instead.




I’m not entirely sure how I missed out on the Bluey craze when it first came out, but I did.

It wasn’t until Kindergarten that Ezra came home and mentioned watching something called Bluey at school.  It is rare for Ezra’s eyes to light up talking about school but when he mentioned Bluey, he LOVED talking about it.

Turns out Bluey is an Australian children’s show (which Ezra watches in French at school and that’s how he likes to watch it at home) and it is fun to watch.

The other day I saw a Bluey box set with a poster included at Costco so I picked it up for him.  This is his first poster on the wall hung up with scotch tape.  I used to have a Mandalorian framed poster but that was probably more my choice than his!  He loves looking at this poster.

There are also photos of the family up on the wall.  A few years ago I wanted to update the family photos in the picture frames in the kids rooms but they kids wanted more photos than the frames could accommodate so if you walk into the kids rooms nowadays you see a bunch of 4x6s taped up to the walls.


Little garden

Vero received this little garden for Christmas.  I don’t know much about it but supposedly it can grow small items (herbs, lettuce) inside the house.  We look forward to its progress!