I had a good laugh when I received this over text message the other night! I guess Sierra is getting pretty good at making her own memes and sending them to me?
We were playing a card game called Pair Them Up with involves pairing up cards with socks on them.
I believe I ended up winning four games in a row and then it was bedtime. She couldn’t believe I kept winning and then I received this picture on my phone and laughed.
I did go to her and explain that I have witnessed her legitimately beat me in a few games in my life, the first being 7 Wonders Duel which really surprised me since it’s a fairly strategic game that I still hadn’t wrapped my head around.
After that day I decided to not let her win anymore and I explained that to her. At 8 years old, she has proven to me that she doesn’t need me to let her win anymore but I did say that if she wanted me to let her win games again, I could certainly do that. But she declined the offer and went to bed still upset that she wasn’t winning any games.
Life is rough!
I should start letting her win regardless because she’s the only one in the house that proactively comes to me and says “Do you want to play a game?” It’s my favourite thing to hear in the house!