
Paging the Doctor

Huzzah! (thanks for the great expression Trish!) I just booked an appointment with the doctor out in Orleans.

While this may not be a big deal to some of you folks out there, it is to me as I have yet to acquire a doctor in Ottawa and I feel that it’s time that I buckle down and get whatever tests a doctor feels I need at this point in my life.

After the fiasco which was ‘I was too healthy’ to have a doctor, I had given up hope for some time. I think I was kick-started back into action when Mindy passed away from cancer and thought I should get a check-up once in awhile. On the plus side, it also doesn’t hurt that this will get Vero’s nagging to stop. ;-P

Anyhow, I called and they booked me in for May 31. I must admit that this sounds a little extreme but perhaps that is the world we live in nowadays. Perhaps it’s only for new patients also. Either way, I feel fine now so there is no rush on my end to actually meet the doctor.

I had a laugh when the receptionist was indicating how the first meeting is just to get your history and whatnot which set the alarm bells off and I asked if there was a chance that the doctor would deny me for being too healthy (as the previous one did). We had a good laugh at this comment but I didn’t want to be leaving work for another mess-up of a doctor appointment.

So, faithful readers, what should one look for in their first appointment? I am not going for anything specific so I’m assuming that I would want to set out that I want to have a family doctor so I get can get annual checkups as well as to acquire one in case I one day wish to start a family (well after 15 years from now, that’s a fer sure).

Any other thoughts as to what I should be asking the doctor? Should I be looking for references or anything? I’m pretty easy-going as long as he isn’t Doctor Nick.

3 replies on “Paging the Doctor”

The specialist I went to at Appletree actually tried to diagnose me using google. I think that was a bad sign, especially since he didn’t even google the symptoms I told him I had. Double whammy. He also used helpful phrases like “I don’t want to diagnose you with anything right now” and the implied phrase “just keep coming back every week so I can never help you and continue making a profit from your misery. ;o)

Male or Female Doctor?….

Be cautious of Doctors putting on Rubber Gloves…

and what to expect from a first visit…. a nice bottle of wine. some strawberries maybe…

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