
Palmer and Losier Recording

This weekend I did nothing much at all which was fine by me. Although when you get in those ruts, you don’t do things that NEED to be done, so tonight I’ll be giving the car a once over in terms of cleaning it.

I did end up spending a lot of time around the Fostex (aka the recording equipment I bought last year) and managed to figure out how to mix down tracks/master them, then port the tracks into a WAV file which I could upload to the computer.

What was the result? Enjoyment! I had a good time doing so, and I managed to find a bunch of riffs I had come up with awhile back, along with a few pseudo-concerts when friends were over. I also managed to find two songs that were complete, whereas a lot of them were just crap outtakes which I ponder why we even left them on there to begin with.

I will make a web page outlining a lot more information on the songs, but for now, I just threw them up into a directory for perusal.

Some items of interest so far are:
Demos 2006 – He’s The Man – This is a song I wrote for Duncan a few years back because I was always singing the words Duncan Williams, he’s the maaaaaan whenever he would walk into the room. I thought it was catchy so decided to actually write a song. I think it still needs one more verse.
Landing in London – I like how this one turned out, although Mike pointed out that the vocals may have been mixed a little too high which I agree with. Perhaps when I’m ambitious I’ll remix it. I played around with having two vocal lines on this one which turned out alright. There are a few parts where they go wonky as I just wasn’t singing the same at all (or off time) but hey, we are not professionals here.

Live tracks – Fueled by playing songs with people who had never played the songs before led to funny tracks to listen to and are probably only amusing if you were actually there. Unfortunately, I don’t think we hit record when James and Ferda were singing one night as I can’t seem to find the tracks. I do recall in my memory banks that this night did happen.

9 replies on “Palmer and Losier Recording”


Excellent work Palmer. Now you just gotta find some record label to buy these recordings and you’re rich!

And I do remember singing some songs that night with you, Mike, Vero, and Ferda. I think it was the same night as the MarioParty Party? Perhaps we’ll have to have a re-do shortly out at Lynx Cres.

I do recall the night and I have pictures of that night also of us around the Fostex.

But we must have not hit record correctly. I have a few blank entries around that time. Doh!

Well yes! After recording, you can play around with very minor effects, such as reverb. I’m pretty sure I used reverb on Landing in London…not sure about He’s The Man.

I’m sure you know about reverb so you don’t need an explanation on what it is. I have a feeling that all singers put SOME reverb on their vocals or else the sound just seems flat.

It sounded like you have too much on Landing in London , but He’s the Man sounded ok. It sounded very high.

Does it have a bandwidth?


I love that I was listening to this at work and a self procraimed “music buff” was like who is that I think I’ve heard it before…


Duncle sent me the track you recorded for him about him! Wow, that’s great stuff! He told me he’s using it for his phone’s ring tune! So cool!

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