
Pay What you Want

At the Sound of Lions concert the other night, I saw the most curious thing…a sign on the merchandise table that read “Pay what you want for the merchandise.”


My immediate thoughts at looking at the CD and the t-shirt available was immediately “Man, if I wanted these two items, I would easily drop $40 for them both.”

I wonder if that’s the general consensus on these types of things and in the end, they actually make MORE money by leaving it up to buyer’s choice?

Granted, this was their existing CD and a t-shirt.  They are currently testing out new songs so maybe they are clearing out some old stock before they order new stock?

Either way, it’s a really fascinating concept and I would love to pick their brain to find out the thinking behind this as well as if they are at least breaking even.

On a related note, I wonder if had anything to do with passing her a twenty the previous time I bought their album and I told them to keep the change to support the band?

One reply on “Pay What you Want”

That’s what the cab driver told me when he took us back to the hotel after Tina and Neil’s wedding and the meter was $8.00 more than we went there, “Pay what you want”. DUH! Do you think we were getting ripped off? DAD

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