
Place du Portage

Well, it pays to do some research. I looked up my office building (Place du Portage) on Wikipedia as I had heard some grand rumours over the years like the entire complex holds 50,000+ employees, or it’s the second largest Government building in the world next to the Pentagon.

If you’ve heard me spew out this garbage, let it be known that if Wikipedia is right, then I am wrong.

Turns out that the entire building houses 10,000 employees and my tower houses 3,500 employees. Surely not the sprawling metropolis I thought it was!

3 replies on “Place du Portage”

I guess it was all false info… who’s the one telling lies for all those years and getting us excited like that?

I have been telling people that the building you work in has 12,000. I guess i was a little bit off and i’m pretty sure i heard it from you.Ha,Ha, DAD

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