
Play Your Hits!

Here’s an interesting article about Dallas Green not wanting to play his hit song ‘Save Your Scissors’. It goes on to talk about other artists who get tired of playing the same hit song and want to stop.

I remember years ago reading this about Counting Crows Mr. Jones and how they stopped playing it for a tour.

Where do you stand on this issue? Where do I stand on this issue?

Mmm…years ago I saw the sense of it and how you could get tired of playing the same old thing. Even I hit a wall playing Mr. Jones because everyone wanted to hear it all the time. I was thinking “But I have so many other songs I can play which I have fun with and I think you’ll like them also!”

I think it was when I started reading a lot more about U2 and the Rolling Stones that I realized that part of the music business is the fact that you are there for your fans, not for your self-indulgent ways on stage. So if you can take 3 minutes out of your life to play the crap out of a song that you don’t care to play, but then you make the entire audience be moved, then play the song! Back in the day, music was more of a business and musicians knew that a lot more. They knew they had to go play the hits. Heck, why do you think cover bands appear at bars? We’re not there to see them drone out their own material, we want to hear some Billy Idol playing!

That being said – I feel for the artists who get tired of playing a song, but I think you should remember who you’re there to entertain. Sure, you can throw the argument that the hardcore fans would rather you be happy and play what you want, while all the while getting a few gems you pull out from yesteryear instead of playing a hit. But do you really think a band’s audience consists of only hardcore fans? Do you really think when AC/DC goes out on tour, their fans own all their albums? Why do you think Greatest Hits albums are a great seller year after year?

Artists – play your hits. Please the masses. Even your hardcore fans aren’t going to say “Oh man, not THIS song again.”

9 replies on “Play Your Hits!”

I can feel for the artist as well, but I like the surprise factor of the concert. You know they can’t stand to play a certain song, but will they? Sometimes they do play that song and I get a kick out of it. I personnaly like that an artist will not play their whole list of greatest hits so I when see them in the future it will not be the same old thing!

I vote for the change up playlist!

They write a song for you to pay ….they play concerts for you to pay…I want to hear all their music cuz I PAID FOR IT somewhere along the way !!!!!.. no sympathy for someone who does not want to play a song….they want money I want music…

So you say that they should publish the playlist when the start selling tickets to the show. What about the stones? they have so much music that they could play for hours and hours!

it”s not about the playlist, which i agree for one or two bands is huge ……it is the factor that they ‘don”t want to play a certain song’ is that not the fact in discussion?

they created the songs for money…they become hits… fans want to hear it…you play hundreds of concerts to thousands of PAYING customers and somewhere along the way u stop playing it…. who gets cheated? play for free and then no problem you can choose any song you want and stop playing them anytime as well….

It is about the money no one gets cheated that way!!

I like when an artist takes a hit song and changes it up, gives it a new twist such as an acoustic version or an African drum beat, inspired by his/her latest journey to self discovery.

Same old song and lyrics you love only updated for the artist’s sanity and the fans listening pleasure.

Does that mean because you bought the album and can play the in question song over and over again it gives you the right to demand that the artist play that song everytime at a live show?

I’ll admit that when I look forward to a certain song at a concert and it is not played I’m dissapointed, Some of these bands do not make it a secret that they will not play certain songs, that doesn’t make them any less exciting to watch live.

I respect that the artist is sick of playing a song over and over and will not play it, I was at a Stones concert and they are on record saying that they hate playing “start Me Up” and stopped playing it for years, but it was great treat when they played it at that concert. I wasn’t expecting it, but it made the show all the better.

I agree with Sammy. I like how the Pumpkins really spice things up and change the song completely. Lots of people don’t care for how they basically create a new song, but I dig it.

YES! I’m getting some action on a blog post of viewpoints. This is what I like to see people! This is way better than that Facebook crap.

come and join “facecrack” I still think face to face is the best way to socialize.

back to the main topic, I love Wide Mouth Mason’s version of Stevie Wonder’s Superstition live! Kicks ass!

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