
Ask Sierra Anything (ASA)

Nanny, Troy and Connie sent some excellent questions for Sierra.  Luckily, she actually stayed awake after a feeding for the first time this morning so I got to take her on a tour of the house and I proceeded to ask her the questions that were sent in.


Question: Does Sierra know how to knit yet?

Her response: “While I haven’t figured out how to knit yet, my Mom was crocheting for nine months so I managed to figure out how to do that.  I am pretty sure Mom was trying to make a scarf for an elephant’s snout because she never really stopped crocheting so I will see if I can continue and maybe make some mittens for the elephant.  Thanks for the question Nanny!  I’m glad that you are having fun in London.  Hopefully it is not too hot while you are down there!”

Question: Would Sierra like to go to a garage with me (Connie)?

Her response: “Absolutely!  I LOVE garage sales!  I felt bad that my parents had to miss the Great Glebe Garage Sale (GGGS) this year as it was on my due date.  The GGGS is an important day in my parents life because that was the location of their first date and they go every year!  But I got a taste of the garage sale when they went to Embrun instead and scored on a nice bocce ball set, a grass seed spreader and some other knick knacks.  Perhaps Aunt Connie would like to take me to my first Great Glebe Garage Sale?  I’ll slot you in for 2017.

P.S.  What good things have you found at garage sales this year?”

Question: Does Sierra like bourbon or scotch?

Her response: “Oh Uncle Troy, you know me too well…I can’t say no to either!  Plus I don’t mind if Dad sneaks in a drink at the same time as me!  Enjoy your time off as I know you are going back to work soon enough!  Take Nanny to Chaucer’s for the sausage platter!”

Sierra loves the questions so keep them coming.   She accepts questions in both official languages of Canada and because she is trilingual (she speaks French, English and Baby) she will respond in the appropriate language! She will try to find some time to answer them in between eating, pooping and sleeping.  She loved seeing the faces of her family members that she will end up meeting soon enough.


Sierra out!

One reply on “Ask Sierra Anything (ASA)”

the mustache pictures are amazing, don’t get me wrong, but I love that one on the bottom. She’s so cute, I die!

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