
Random Reviews

Yesterday provided me with ample opportunity to sit down and relax. With school starting up, this is a rare occurrence so I embraced it with what I enjoy the most. Sitting myself down on the couch and checking out some TV shows that I downloaded. Keep in mind that I may have subconsciously left a school assignment on my desk at work so I wouldn’t be able to work on it this weekend. 😉

I could probably have an entire entry dedicated to a review on the TV shows I’ve seen, but I’ll just keep it short and sweet.

Star Trek: Enterprise – Hey, I know this has been off the air for a few years, but I somehow missed the last six episodes so while at Joe’s this weekend, I popped in the finale and took a look at it. AWESOME finale. I really loved how they tied it into Star Trek: The Next Generation. Do I enjoy the Enterprise series? Heck yeah. It was great. Too bad it got cancelled.

Jericho – New TV show here revolving around the town of Jericho and they see a nuclear blast in the distance which hit Denver. Joe, Vero and I watched the second episode of the show so the only thing we had as a recap of the first episode was the two minute recap at the beginning of the episode. The show seemed alright…part of me is intrigued to see who is bombing the States, part of me is saying that the show is kind of boring considering it’s revolving around a town trying to find shelter from the fallout. Nonetheless, it is an interesting concept and it has everyone’s Johnny Depp lookalike; Skeet Ulrich! After seeing one episode, I would say I’ll watch a few others and see if it picks up a little more. Sounds like they may be using the Lost formula in keeping the watcher in suspense.

Grey’s Anatomy – Well, I got into this show over the summer – really enjoy the characters and the stories. I was a fan of ER for years so I enjoy the hospital dramas. The good thing about the setting of a hospital is that it brings forth some interesting stories. Oh, what’s that? You have a tree that went through your entire body? WHOA! I also laugh at how every patient that comes through their doors somehow has a metaphoric mirror image life to one of the cast members and they say one line that helps out the cast solve a troubling problem that they have been trying to deal with. Quite amusing. Anyhow, I watched the first two episodes and was impressed with the season so far. Get into this show!

Heroes – Maren had suggested this because she knew I am a fan of the comic books. She called this ‘a believable X-Men’. It started up really good and I could tell that they really had the comic book in mind when filming the series with the quick pans to action and the focus on character’s faces. After watching this show I have to say it’s probably my fave of the new batch of shows for the season. This show is AMAZING! It’s not geeky, it’s a good drama that would rope the comic book hater in. It all revolves around how geneticists say that humans are evolving and they don’t know how (aka into mutants), but they’ll have random powers like teleportation, the power of flight, etc. There is a solar eclipse in the first episode which may or may not be the catalyst for these super powers. An interesting part of the show is that on their website, they go a little further into the story (making it MORE than a show) as they have some graphic novels showing what happened to some of the characters before arriving on the show, as well as a blog of one of the characters. If anyone has the time for it, the high interactivity level of TV shows is impressive nowadays. It would be like getting a phon call from Carol Burnett telling you what she thought of a certain scene. I highly recommend this show. I will be watching it faithfully this year.

The 4400 – I can’t say I know much about this show other than Joe and Trish recommended it to me. I think it’s in its third of fourth season right now. It starts off with a slew of people being abducted (perhaps by aliens?) over the past 60 years and then they all randomly (4400 of them!) show up one day from this mysterious ball of light. I’ve only watched 20 minutes of it, but it seems interesting and we’ll be wondering what did happen to these guys. I can’t say much more about this show. 20 minutes of it was intriguing, but we’ll wait to give it the Palmer stamp of approval once I finish watching the pilot episode.

Friends – Why did they have to cancel this show? 😉 Only my favourite show ever. I downloaded Season 10 and was having a good laugh with Mike yesterday when we watched the episode where Joey visits Monica and Chandler’s new pad.

I hope this gives you a little heads up to the shows people are talking about so you can get a better sense on whether or not you wish to check them out for yourself!