
Random Updates

Random Updates

Friday Night’s Ice Cream/Birthday Party for Vero was a success! Although there was WAY too much ice cream left over, but that isn’t a measure of failure! Everyone had a great time, I tried out an ice cream beer float (not bad), Trish got me some nice AC/DC sandals for my birthday, I gave her the 2 minute hot dog cooker I found at a garage sale a few weeks before (read about it here) and everyone had a great time!

Saturday had Vero and I lazing around her place. It was unfortunate that I had brought a book with me that only had two chapters left in it! I surfed the Internet for a few hours while Vero still slept to find out more about the referendum happening in Ontario next week. It’s good to read about both sides of the story to formulate your own view. After speaking with Krista on my findings, I have decided to vote against MMP.

Saturday night brought us to Larisa and Jason’s new house which is a pretty swell pad. They have a huge backyard and their house is nice also. I ended up starting to play Settlers of Cataan which I was excited about as I have heard it is the #1 board game in the world. I tried learning it once with Carrie’s family but I don’t anyone was really putting much effort into actually teaching me so it wasn’t a fun game at all. But Matt and James really helped me out on Friday night and before we shut the game down, I was having a great time.

We then played Scene It: Squabble edition which was a guys vs. girls edition of the game Scene It. We all had a great time even though the girls really had to push the limits on the rules to catch up to us. But we were victorious (once again!)

Can I just say that I think Vero hit a skunk while driving back as the car smells like skunk right now. Thank you.

Sunday had me catching up on painting my front door. I don’t mind painting when I get a roller in my hand…I hate painting when I have a brush and I have to meticulously attack every little nook and cranny. That’s what the front door was all about. In the end, it wasn’t a hot day so I had to wait forever for the paint to dry for a second coat. I would say that I only have to apply a bit more paint in a few areas for it to be completely done. I’m pretty happy with the paint job on both the garage and front door. I like the colour better than the green that was there. All I have left on my things to do before the winter hits is to apply some roof tar over the tin shingle I put down, and try and replace a section of the eaves trough that is leaking. Silicon has been of no help in the past years. Time to really put some effort into this.

Last night was the last night that Mike’s parents were up. They left this morning with their new plane in tow. It was good having them up and I look forward to seeing them at Christmas time. Mike’s dad also gave me a few pointers on the structure of songs so I’m excited to start writing some stuff.

3 replies on “Random Updates”

I didn’t hit a skunk. It’s probably the huge fart you let out before arriving home that made your car stink…

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