
Random Updates That You Won’t Be Able to Comment On

Swimming: Swimming is going swimmingly well. Ha ha ha.I keep upping the number of laps I do each day. I’m a week into it, and have not got bored from it yet. It may be the fact that it’s conveniently down the street from me, and the pool is usually empty which lets my mind wander instead of always being on high alert watching out for lane changers.

The Who: The Who kicked off their North American tour last night in Philadelphia. Check out the setlist here. When we bought tickets for the Who show (in town this coming Friday), I had not known much about The Who so I sought out some albums in the mall and they had crap. In fact, I didn’t much about them and ended up buying some soundtrack to Quadropenia. BOOO. Tha isn’t a freakin’ album! Anyhow, after downloading their discography (hey, give me a break here…I tried to pick up their albums!) I was introduced to a few albums and am now listening to a mock setlist on my iPod.

iTunes: The new iTunes version 7 is freakin’ amazing. So slick. I love this software. I am also impressed with the annoucement of an 80GB iPod. Just in time considering mine has hit it’s 60GB limit. Let’s be honest…other than a glitch that I may have to send it back for repair, I am fine with mine and won’t bothering upgrading until it bites the big one. I was hoping Apple would have announed a new chipset for their MacBook line so I could think of buying one. But I’ll hold off.

Recording Tip: When you’re bouncing all your tracks to the stereo tracks, don’t have a conversation with Mike and noodle on the guitar while it’s bouncing, or at the very least, unplugh your mic and guitar from the soundboard or else your recording is ruined.

Medical Miracles: I found this amazing, amazing, AMAZING article on the Wolfshack about how common sleeping pills have brought people out of vegetative states. No joke. This is insane to think about. I was running around telling everyone about this. This is something that I can tell my kids that I witnessed. Click here for the article. Thanks to Pete for digging this one up.

iplaying: Who Are You – The Who (Who Are You)

2 replies on “Random Updates That You Won’t Be Able to Comment On”

I knew that title would generate a comment.

I find that if a post contains too many streams of thought, people don’t bother commenting.

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