
Recording: And So It Goes

Last night I had a super-productive night in furthering Troy’s new tune ‘And So It Goes’.  I envisioned some strings over top of the guitars and to do that, I asked Trish to come on over.  We spent the night listening to the song and transcribing the chords into piano chord land which was difficult as the song was recorded in a flat tuning so we had to transpose all existing chords into a flat chord.  This also took awhile as Trish is more of a sight-reader which is fine by me.  Now that we have it all laid out, the next time we meet we’ll try and record a few takes into the computer and see what we can do with it.

Unfortunately, a main sticking point is the fact that I couldn’t get the keyboard to interact with the computer today and I never had a problem with it before.  I think it may be the adapter that Matt gave as it shows that it receives a signal from the computer but it doesn’t seem to send any signal out (judging by the blinking lights).  So I’ll have to see if I can track down another USB Midi adapter to test my theory out.

One reply on “Recording: And So It Goes”

Can’t wait to hear the song with strings or keys…..I’m sure it will sound amazing.

I’ll send you the 705 tracks next week so you can start fiddling around with that.

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