
Recording lead for Drive Me Crazy

Last year I was sitting in a church for a funeral thinking “If I died today, I would have so many unfinished songs.  What a waste!”

So I made a point to get to finish a bunch of songs up in the near future.

Saturday afternoon brought me to Marty’s house to record some lead guitar over a song called Drive Me Crazy.  I probably wrote and recorded most of this song 15 years ago but have been sitting on it since then.

After a bit of set up and noodling around, we got into a great rhythm and managed to finish all the lead guitar work in a couple of hours.  I would say 70% of the time was spent recording, 20% was on figuring out technical things like how to get Garageband audio files into Logic Pro and 10% of the afternoon was spent listening to some riffs that Marty has recorded over the years which was a fun time.

It was a productive afternoon and I’m hoping to wrap up the recording of that song this winter.

I have to say that I’m always in awe of musicians who are masters of their craft.  I can’t play a scale for the life of me but years of hard work puts Marty at the top of the class.