Other than having Gary make me realize that I’m a walking contradiction judging from yesterday’s post about Future Shop (read the comments section), yesterday was a swell day.
First off, I had remembered that Matchbox Twenty were going on tour in Toronto and thought about checking out when the tickets were on sale. Lo and behold, it was 10:30 in the morning and they had a pre-sale which had started 30 minutes earlier! I had to scramble to figure out who wanted to go and I didn’t have time to wait for many people. In the end, Krista, Mike and I nabbed three tickets for Row 16 on the floor which is A-OK by us. I haven’t seen Matchbox Twenty in a few years and I can imagine that it will be a good concert in that they are promoting their greatest hits/EP of the day. This concert is in February.
Hey, before I forget, we also picked up Foo Fighters tickets for when they hit up the Nation’s capital. Rumour has it that it will be an acoustic show!
Krista and I headed over to the Ottawa side to have lunch with Maren as it was her birthday. I enjoyed the roast beef sandwich and pasta salad they had but Krista thought it was lacking of actual roast beef.
After glazing over some Critical Thinking class, I headed home and jammed with Mike for awhile. We are working on a few Trews tunes and also hammering out Stevie Wonder’s Superstition which I have always loved but never mastered until a month ago.
One of the cooler things I came across last night was Nine Inch Nails’ Remix website has gone live. Trent Reznor has created this behemoth which allows people to post their remixed NIN tracks onto a website and people can share, discuss, tear apart…whatever they want. He has done some wonderful work on this concept as he has offered up the master tracks of his Year Zero album to help with remixing.
The greatest thing about this site is the fact that Trent Reznor has posted all his remixes up there, or any remixes that have appeared commercially. What does that mean to us? Usually every album had a remix album, or singles. I had never picked them all up, but I had borrowed a few from Eric along the way but I still didn’t have them all (like the With Teeth Remix EP). Lo and behold, all these tracks are now available to download and use at will. Awww yeah! I’m pretty pumped that I got to pick up a few tracks that I’ve heard over the years but never had a copy of.
Trent Reznor is really starting to look at the distribution of music in a different light now that he is done with his record label. However, let’s not denounce the record label here. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a part in letting Trent share remixes which are already commercially available. I have noticed that there are no remixes prior to the Broken album which may make sense as he was with a different label back then and they were a pain in the ass.
There has already been a great release of top rated Year Zero remixes called The Limitless Potential which is great (although there are WAY too many remixes of Survivalism).
That’s my awesome music update for you all today.
4 replies on “Remix NIN + Other News”
Haha, ya Trent has been publicly denouncing his record label.
The remixes were originally posted on other websites and the record label sent cease and desist letters getting them pulled because of the content.
So Trent setup his own website to host the remixes.
I assume the legality of that is, can’t stop him from hosting his own music.
Trent also helped Saul Williams follow in radio heads footsteps with the “Niggy Tardust” (clever, but seems an insult to Bowie)
ie. no record label
I suspect Trent will be releasing his next album in a similar fashion.
As I am sure you already know, Trent has also been outraged at the prices of his new album in places like Australia, asking the crowd if the album prices have changed, then telling them that they need to stop buying it and start downloading it, and share it with everyone.
Insult to Bowie? More like a compliment.
Saul Williams is da man.
This brings me back some time.
I’ve been playing these remixes all day…I’m sure my co-workers are now questioning my taste in music.
It is a good day for the internet; a very good day indeed!
thanks for the heads up!