
Return of the Goat

P1040253, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Well, it’s Day One of growing back the goatee. This photo is a mere fraction of the disgust that Vero had when she saw me without any facial hair yesterday.

Kids, when you read this, remind me to tell you about how I thought Vero would appreciate the lack of facial hair and that was the only reason I shaved it, only to be shunned like Charlie the Unicorn. SHUN THE NON-BELIEVER!

Looking forward to something covering my face. I think it shall be a moustache. Who cares about the chin covering?

2 replies on “Return of the Goat”

Wasn’t it the opposite reaction way back when you first grew the goatee? Or maybe I’m just thinking of the ‘stache. But you should go back through your archives and check for sure. Circa August 2006 I think….famous stache contest at the Anderson cottage.

oo! There’s a 3rd episode of Charlie the Unicorn. Check it out. They just keep getting funnier.

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