
Review: Bon Cop Bad Cop

Alright, if you know me, you’ll know that whenever I tout a movie, the words “BEST MOVIE EVER!!!” come out of my mouth.

But let’s be serious here. I did see the best movie of the summer last night with Claudine, Vero and Mike. It’s name was Bon Cop Bad Cop.

Patrick Huard’s is a comedian/actor from Quebec who I’ve seen in Les Boys movies. Very funny stuff. I enjoy the Quebec humour. In fact, I enjoy CANADIAN humour. I like hearing jokes that Canadians would get. In this case, perhaps Ontario/Quebec residents may get more jokes…unsure.

So the premise of this movie is like any other good cop movie where two cops have to join together on a case, but unfortunately for them, one is a ‘by-the-book’ guy, and the other…not so much.

Colm Feore (of Trudeau fame) plays Martin Ward from Toronto (the prim and proper) while Patrick Huard plays David Bouchard from Montreal (the rough and tumble). They end up on the 401 at the border between Ontario and Quebec start; to find a body laying atop of the border crossing sign. After debating who should take the case, the end up accidentally ripping the body in two and discover that their fates are joined for the remainder of the movie.

They claim that this is the first Canadian bilingual movie and it’s true. Languages are interchanged all the time. It’s not like when they are in Quebec, they speak French, but if they are in Ontario they speak English. They speak the different languages all the time, so it’s convenient if you can understand both. But they have subtitles in case you can’t understand.

One thing I found odd was that the translation was WAY off in some parts. At one point, they are speaking in French and say “Well, we can either go to the helicopter pad, or St. Hubert” but they translated St. Hubert to airport. Did they think that there would be some English folk that just wouldn’t get the joke? St. Hubert is the best freakin’ restaurant alive!!!

I also enjoyed the fact that the English police chief’s name was LeBoeuf, while the French chief’s name was MacDuff. Classic.

There was also a great lesson on how to swear in French that every English person should watch to better their understanding.

Anyhow, jokes, action, cool Canadiana made for an ultimate movie. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up for this film and I implore every good Canadian reading this to watch this film.
I even recommend this movie to Nanny. Even though there are a few swear words and action scenes, you should take a look at this film as it’s a part of our culture.

4 replies on “Review: Bon Cop Bad Cop”

Yep, really worth it. For once, an action movie that promotes true Canadian culture: Bilinguism and Hockey baby! 😉 Plus a touch of humour we can all relate to! I’m actually gonna buy this movie, no doubt in my mind.

It was awesome..

Apparenltly the americans want to buy the rights and redo this with an us and Mexican cop on the us/mexico border… Hehehe.

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