
Review: Borat

OH my. This is one of those movies that you would cringe at if you brought your mother to. But luckily, I had Vero instead and we had a barrel of laughs at this movie! We started off the night by hitting up Moxie’s where the shanghai noodles were so-so. I think they changed their recipe on it. We then traipsed around the area looking for new shoes for yours truly as I like to wear them out to the point where when it rains, my feet get soaked. I just can’t find any that will replace my $10 pair of shoes that I got in Boston a few years ago.

Borat begins in all its goodness…bringing us a glimpse of his life in Kazahkstan. The story is that Borat is going to film a documentary for his country on how Americans live. So he sets out and hilarity ensues. If anyone has seen Da Ali G Show and seen Borat in his glory before, you have to understand that the movie ups the bar (as it should!) and delivers some shocking, shocking material. Stuff where the whole theatre gasps and then one lone voice starts cracking up at the absurdity of it all.

Revolving around a simple plotline of Borat trying to meet Pamela Anderson, the movie pulls some tricks out of its hat from the TV show and there are some similar events happening (like Borat visiting the Feminist club), but overall, the movie is amazing. We had a great time watching it. I would recommend the TV show to anyone, and if you enjoy it and are able to accept crude, crude humour, then Borat is for you.

On a separate note, Vero and I hit up Future Shop to take a look at a MacBook (that’s a laptop by Apple for all you non-geeks). For the past year I have wanted to pick one up, but it’s this thing where I always can’t justify the purchase of a laptop when I have some other debts to take care of. Then, on the other hand, I think I’ll never be out of debt so why bother waiting? 😉 Anyhow, for Black Friday, they had $200 the laptop which was a steal. I was tempted, but reality set in and I realized that today wasn’t the day for the MacBook, regardless of the savings.

8 replies on “Review: Borat”

Ha ha. I will never forget walking down the street in front of work with you while you attempted to walk on your heels the whole way so your socks wouldn’t get wet from the big hole in front of your shoe. Haven’t you learned your lesson yet? :o)

I think somebody needs to realise that even though the deal regarding the 10$ shoes was AWESOME last year, a deal like that will probably won’t happen again! I say when you can have a pair of good shoes on sale for 30$ (even though it’s not 10$) you should jump on it! Your feet has been suffering for too long now, it’s ridiculous! I shall take care of it… Mouah ah ah!

I think you can justify paying more for a pair of shoes if you plan on having them a long time. Even if you pay an outrageous price, say 100$, for a quality pair of shoes, if you keep them for 3 years and wear them on average ¾ of the time… lets do some math 🙂
273.75 shoe wearin’ days/year * 3 years = 821.25 shoe wearin’ days. 100$/821.25 = 0.12$.
It will have cost you, on average 12 cents/day to wear those shoes… and imagine the possibilities; with a quality shoe you could go for 4 years… we are down to 9 cents/wear.

But I understand not wanting to fork over that kind of cash for shoes, check out Winners they usually have cool shoes for inexpensive. You could get a 150$ shoe for like 30$, over 3 years that’s 3 cents/wear… Now we are talking.

Happy shopping.

Huh, clearly there is a flaw in my dollar a day theory when it comes to clothing items! I should think up the exception to the rule concerning clothing.

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