
Review: Chicken Cordon Bleu

By far, the best thing that happened to me yesterday was arriving home, and after shoveling the snow in the driveway, being treated to an amazing supper by Mike’s sister who is staying with us for the week! She made chicken cordon bleu which was a first for me. I was mesmerized by its succulent taste and I couldn’t figure out what I like better – the ham or the cheese! It was the best of both worlds! Topped off with a salad, this was the supper of kings after a long hard day of rocking.

I was also impressed by the actual formation of the chicken cordon bleu which deals with cutting the breast down so you can roll it back up. I can’t say I fully understood it and will need to see it in person to believe it, but the end result was divine and it topped off my day.

Samantha, you are allowed to stay as LONG as you like!

May I also say that Sammy has the most amazing job in the world right now? So far, her work trip to Ottawa has consisted of one day off due to snow, and supposedly she goes into work around 11 today. AS IF!

iplaying: Be Yourself – Audioslave (Out of Exile)

3 replies on “Review: Chicken Cordon Bleu”

Sammy, I’ve got a couple extra rooms at my house… you can choose which one you want! MMM, cordon bleu… Palmer, you’re one lucky guy! My mouth is watering!

Young man you have led to much of a sheltered life. First time for Chicken Cordon Bleu…Cook Books for your Christmas list next year.

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