
Review: Deliverance

The year: 1972.
The movie: Deliverance.

I remember first hearing about Deliverance when my dad downloaded the theme song which is Dueling Banjos. I never thought about actually watching the movie since I was thinking it was a western.

This weekend Eric said he had bought the movie so we popped it in.

This movie was excelent, albeit a little freaky. It revolves around 4 men on a canoe trip (Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight, Ned Beatty, and Ronny Cox) and something awful, AWFUL happens to them on the canoe trip (I won’t spoil it for anyone. I wonder if I should since the movie is freakin’ old) and then the rest of movie shows how each man deals with the stress which comes from what happened. We’re not talking about someone losing their canoe or anything. Let’s just say you wouldn’t want your enemy to go through the same fate.

Anyhow, I enjoyed the movie, although I was freaked out in certain parts since I have this weird thing about lake water in which I always think I’m going to rub up against something in the water which shouldn’t be there…so the movie freaked me out in a few parts.

All in all, you should definitely spend the $10 and pick this up at your local Future Shop. Two thumbs up.

I enjoy the older movies where they were less about special effects and more about the story and character development/analysis. They got into the brains of individuals.

Check it out.

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