
Review: Gaspe Golf Tournament – 2007

On Friday after visiting the Doctor, I headed out to the Annual Gaspé Golf Tournament.

Stop. Rewind. What’s this?

My entire family stem from the grand city of Gaspé down on the coast of Quebec. Because so many have left the metropolis years ago, someone had a brilliant idea of having an annual golf tourney so that people can see one another again.

I went to this tourney last year as quite a few of my own relatives went and it is a nice spot to see them all at once. My parents had never gone to one but they ended up going this year and I believe they had a smashing good time seeing people they haven’t seen in upwards of twenty years.

Now, this year was the beginning of what Uncle Greg referred to as ‘the sophomore blues’. I didn’t understand what he meant until the end of the tournament. Let’s just say I could NOT get it through my head what was going wrong with my golf game. On Friday when I showed up, Uncle Johnny, Lynn and Greg and I headed to the golf course to play a quick game of 9 holes. I can’t say I was doing all that well but the great things about these guys are that they are super patient. I figured that my game would get better by the next day (the day of the actual tournament) but it wasn’t until the 17th hole where I realized that I was standing too far away from the ball and I believe that’s what was affecting my game so badly. I think there are a few things I want to change before heading out there next year:

  • Play a game before heading out there so I am not so rusty.
  • Figure out what I’m doing wrong before that point. For some reason I cannot for the life of me figure out how to position my body. It’s like I failed geometry or something.

Anyhow, all griping aside about how much I was frustrated with how I was playing, the weekend of golf turned out to be amazing. The weather was great on Friday and Saturday looked like it would be a bust but it got pretty hot for the better part of the day and we finished our game as soon as the rain started coming down (which is definitely different than what happened last year!

I ended up hitting another person’s ball (who wasn’t even on our team) so that didn’t go over too well. Oh well, I learned the hard way that I should always know what ball I’m playing.

I am anxious to head out again to play a round of golf and hope to do so before next year. I should see how much a set of golf clubs cost.

Other than the golf tournament, good times were had. As soon as I arrived at the hotel I saw Aunt Mariette, Nanny and Mom and they were jumping up and down and screaming “We’re going to Costco! We’re going to Costco!” I thought this was extremely strange (but not so strange for someone like Mom who just doesn’t have a Costco around her!) but then Uncle Greg jumped in on the fun. Later on I mentioned how strange I thought it was that they were all excited to be going to Costco but it turns out that they were screaming “We’re going to Alaska!”. Yes, that’s right, the Patterson Clan is heading North on a cruise next year. I haven’t decided if I will go along but I definitely will head out to British Columbia when my parents hook down to see Uncle Brent after the cruise.

I enjoyed hanging out with my family and watching the hockey game and ordering a few pizzas undercover of other Gaspesians with the nose for pizza. Here’s where I throw out a public apology to Uncle Greg for ordering not one, but TWO meat lover pizzas last year when I had forgotten that he does not eat meat. Woops! He let me hear about it this year!

The higher powers must have been with us this weekend as none of us were feeling rough in the morning (well maybe Uncle Greg, but just for a bit) and there was plenty to laugh at. Especially the squirrel which had swallowed a golf ball!

On Sunday, Mom, Dad and I headed to the flea market outside of Morrisburg and I picked up a CD and then we parted ways and I cruised on home enjoying the back roads all the way to Orleans. It’s nice to just get on the road and drive sometimes. I then went over to Eric’s and helped him set up his new pool which by my estimates should be full by next week.

iplaying: Make This Go On Forever – Snow Patrol (Eyes Open)