
Review: Gooneys

“these eyes have never seen a more beautiful sight. these ears have never heard a more beautiful sound. these taste buds have never tasted a more beautiful sandwich.” – me, after going to Gooney with Maren.

This morning on my way to school, I decided to drop by to see Maren and get a bite to eat at lunch. She suggested a place on Laurier and O’Connor called Gooneys. She mentioned getting a salad.

While leery of a salad bar kind of place, she mentioned there were sandwiches and knowing that this was the key to my heart (and stomach!) we headed there in the wet, wet snow that has appeared over Ottawa. What the heck? First they are calling for a warm weekend, now it’s sloppy wet snow.

Upon entering, this place put a smile on my face. In the corner, there was this guy playing the blues on his sweet, sweet electric guitar an mini-amp. What the heck? Isn’t this a sandwich shop?

Well yes it is, but that doesn’t mean it can’t have some atmosphere! Maren warned me that the lineups get pretty large around noon so we hurried with five minutes to spare. The menu was awesome. Not awesome like I usually say awesome, more like a jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring kind of menu. Tons of different sandwiches with soup combos, salad combos, you name it, they got it.

I followed Maren’s suit and ordered the roast beef and decided to get the Works. I can’t even remember what consisted of the works other than some eggplant and ten other toppings. They wrapped it up in a nice shell of wax paper, sliced it, pased it over in a nice tray and voila!

We grabbed a seat right in front of this guy playing his blues guitar.  I was in heaven.  He even threw in some Georgia by Ray Charles.  Unbelievable.

The sandwich was so amazing…I don’t know what they put into it but it reminded me of my favourite sauce from New York Subway in Toronto on Queen Street West.  I couldn’t get enough of it.  I was loving every moment of it.

Coupled with amazing company of Maren (always good conversation…mainly dealing with her upcoming trip to Mexico next week!), amazing eats and amazing treats for the ears, I will definitely return to Gooneys for a bite to eat.  Go early and beat the rush!

iplaying: Apartment Story – The National (Boxer) – this is a fabulous, fabulous album.  Palmer approved.  Will write more later.