
Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Saturday had me working on finishing the last part of Midterm Madness, a proposal for a research project I’m doing for my sociology class. What’s the worst thing about essays? You need to find literature to back your stuff up. Boo! I like the format of your own website where you can spew out garbage that you think is true and people have to believe that you are well informed. Plus, they don’t ask for references.

Once I completed that, Vero and I headed over to Eric and Annie’s pad to babysit Philippe while they went out to the Sens game. Poor kid had a fever so he wasn’t doing much at all. In hindsight, babysitting a baby must be a heck of a lot easier than babysitting kids you can run around because you have to be constantly running around!

In the end, babysitting on my end wasn’t much of a success as every time I got close to him, he started crying. So Vero basically took care of him while I sat and watched Forrest Gump on TV (excellent flick! I forgot about this film.) and after we munched on some St. Hubert, we settled gave Philippe a bath, got him ready for bed and then we checked out a Harry Potter film (instead of Transformers. What the heck?! Why do you have to be scared of robots Vero, WHY?!)

I would have to say that I have seen the first Harry Potter film about…5 years ago? But it was more of a film playing in the background at Eric and Annie’s apartment so I didn’t catch most of the flick. This was the first time I really sat down and watched it.

I would have to say that the film was pretty faithful to the novel (from what I can remember!). I loved some of the choices of actors, such as Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid. He was born to play the part!

It is quite the fantastical film and I enjoyed the depictions of the various elements of the Harry Potter universe – the Quidditch matches, the owls delivering mail…it was all wonderful.

I also enjoyed the musical score created for the film. At one point I noticed that one of the parts reminded me of Empire Strikes Back and lo and behold, I found out that John Williams created the musical score for the film! Bravo!

I am looking forward to watching the rest of the films eventually. Considering the final novel is out, I think I shall re-read the novels, and intersperse the films so I can compare the two. Then I’ll be prepared to read the final Harry Potter novel (which I’ll have to find somewhere).

One reply on “Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”

I have all the HP books and they will probably even be unpacked by the time you get around to reading the last one. :o)

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