
Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

indy-crystalskull-posterlg.jpgI really don’t understand how people found this to be a lackluster edition to the Indy Jones films!  I’ve spoken to many people and they were disappointed with it.  In fact, a few of my colleagues went as far as to say it was the worst they’ve seen in awhile.

Maybe I’m of a different mindframe…heck, I even enjoyed Episode I!

At the very least, my expectations weren’t hyped up for this film so I was very leary going into seeing it after picking it up at Future Shop this evening.  I had tried my hardest to stay away from any spoilers but unfortunately Eric let the cat out of the bag of a major plot point.  But no matter…this was a great Indy film!

It had everything that was a good about an Indy film…Indy getting into awkward situations, funny situations for the cast to get out of, excellent chase sequences…you name it, they had it.  I really enjoyed how they paid homage to the past Indy films as well.  In fact, there may have been a part where they talk of an event back in the Young Indy television series but I’m not familiar with the show so I would have to research it.  I really enjoyed seeing older characters and it would have been great if they brought back one of my favourites – John Rhys-Davies.

Was it the best film of the series?  Heavens no.  Was it a contender to be one of the better ones?  Mmmm…if I were to say Raiders and Last Crusade were in the top echelon, then Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull are in the lower echelon.  Either way, I enjoyed all of these films and it’s a decent edition to the adventures of Indiana Jones.

To all the naysayers…seriously…what were your complaints?  The final revelation explored?  What?  You wanted ghosts coming out of an ark, hearts being stricken from a human chest, or maybe a guardian of the holy grail?  Yeah, like those are any more believable!

Throw your expectations at the door and just enjoy the film.  I thought it was great.

iplaying: Baba O’Riley – The Who (Who’s Next)

3 replies on “Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”


Just because you decided that you did not want to know anything about the crystal skulls (which are really artifacts by the way,) doesn’t mean that I ruin the film for you by stating what the theories are about!!!

Wha? Oh come on. You know you let a major plotpoint out out of the bag for a guy who had no idea what the heck a Kingdom of Crystal Skull was. For all I knew, it was an artifact of power. 😉

Then don’t blame me for your ignorance of archeological artifacts!

Actually I found out the theories about the crystal skulls on a discovery show, before I knew what the fourth Indie movie was about…although I gather it was pretty much common knowledge to all those who searched the net.

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