
Review: Iron Man

Seeing that my summer of fun has finally arrived, I took some time to finally watch Iron Man.  I had heard nothing but good things so I was quite excited to see the film.

The film does not disappoint.  It’s one of those comic character movies which transcends the comic book culture and makes it accessible to non comic book fans, much like Spider-Man ended up doing (and Batman Begins I suppose).

Robert Downey Jr. is quite amazing in the film and he has this sarcastic wit to him that I loved.  I have never really read any Iron Man so I don’t know how faithful it is to the original origin story but I heard it was quite similar.  I enjoyed seeing him trying to figure out how to improve the Iron Man armor and testing it out.  I also liked the nods to future War Machine storylines and the cameo appearance of Stan Lee who is mistaken for Hugh Hefner.

I really don’t know what else to say about it.  It’s one of the better films I’ve seen in the past year and I highly recommend it to anyone who was a fan of any comic related movies; Spider-Man, Batman, X-Men.

The only way this will be dethroned as the greatest flick of the summer will be when The Dark Knight hits the theatres.  Batman vs. The Joker?  Sign me up.

One reply on “Review: Iron Man”

I see that they’ve found a new Rachel Dawes for the new Batman movie. I told you Katie Holmes was the weak link…

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