
Review: Living with the Living – Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

I was introduced to Ted Leo and the Pharmacists by my co-worker Rob a few years ago with the Shake the Sheets album. It was a rocking album and I tend to listen to it while I’m out on a jog. Ever listen to the Strokes and it makes you feel like running? This is what this album makes you feel like. So when I heard there was a new album out from Ted Leo I scoured the entire city for it. Finally stumbling upon Music World in Orleans, I ended up with the copy with the limited edition EP along with it! Beauty!

It has some excellent tunes on it and I can see he is honing his songwriting ability. There are some good rocking tunes for the most part, and mixed up with a reggae tune and some sombre tunes makes for a decent album. I would have to say tht I enjoy Shake the Sheets better but if you are a fan of Ted Leo, I would recommend you pick up the album. I feel this will be my summer album as it has the feeling of hanging out on that porch with your friends on a sunny afternoon.

iplaying: Jaded – The Himalayans (She Likes The Weather)