
Review: Matt Mays – …When The Angels Make Contact

Ah, my love/hate relationship for Matt Mays is starting to become a full-blown love relationship. We all know the story…I went to see Sam Roberts Band and Matt Mays was opening for them and he blew me away. Promptly picked up his debut album which irked me as it was country-rock tunes and not the hard hitting rocker that I just saw on stage. That changed when his second album came out along with El Torpedo.

So when I heard there was a new solo effort out, I cringed. Would I like it? Has Matt Mays changed a bit in his solo ways so that I would appreciate it? Now, before I continue, let it be known that his debut album has grown on me and I enjoy it. But it took awhile. Actually, that’s the mark of a great album. The albums which you take forever to appreciate end up being your faves.

When I was home for Christmas, I met up with Angele at the Legion who was talking about how she knows Matt Mays and the boys of El Torpedo (you can visit Angele’s myspace page, complete with original, excellent tunes! At and how his new album is mind-blowingly amazing.

Well, I was hooked. I figured I enjoy the rest of his music, all I needed was a push. I haven’t even listened to the entire album yet as I sit here writing this, but I am impressed. …When the Angels Make Contact is a soundtrack for an unfinished movie he was making until funding ran out. Dark, moody, cruising the highway on your motorbike tunes cover the map of this album with some fun appearances by Buck 65 (Canada’s own hip-hop) as well as some hilarious visual appearances of Sam Roberts in the video. I am digging this album and am even contemplating skipping my class on Wednesday to check him out at Barrymore’s. Actually, that’s a lie. I’ll probably go but skip out early. It’s the least I can do.

iplaying: 1 For the Motor – Matt Mays (…When The Angels Make Contact)