
Review: Minutes to Midnight – Linkin Park

Is this a Linkin Park album or something else? Gone are the days of their hybrid of rap and rock (or nu-metal for those of you in the know). They have revamped their music entirely which I was a little scared of at first. Can a band still survive when they change their direction? I was hearing strange things from the studio – listening to a lot of Pink Floyd during the recording. How can Linkin Park survive an uprising from metal-esque screaming music to some laid back riffs?

Well, they managed to pull it off. This is definitely NOT the Linkin Park of old. Forget everything you know about them. Just appreciate this as a good album and you will love it. I cannot get this out of my stereo right now. There are some key tracks which I come back to (Valentine’s Day, Bleed It Out (which, coincidentally I heard on Saturday Night Live last week and thought it was the most horrible song ever. Clearly their live versino of the song doesn’t do it justice). They have the classic Chester vocals all over the place and a lot less of Mike Shinoda. Some of the tracks remind me of old Linkin Park (ala My December-like).

I thoroughly enjoy this album but prepare yourself for something entirely different from the Linkin Park you know and love. But you will enjoy this album if you enjoy some good music.

iplaying: Diamonds and Babies and Cars – The Himalayans (She Likes The Weather)