
Review: Nacho Libre

On Friday night, Mike and Mel had a slew of people over for Movie Night (which was excellent by the way).

The men retired to the basement to avoid any lame women films and poppped in Nacho Libre – the newest work to star our favourite Jack Black.

Unfortunately, this is the first Jack Black movie which didn’t live up to the hype. Both Mike and I have been waiting a LONG time to watch this film and were disappointed. I had only got through an hour of it a few months ago so was glad to catch the ending of it this time around.

Overall, it had some funny parts. The wrestling was pretty funny. But the rest of the cast is lackluster and if people were expecting a Napolean Dynamite all over again are in for a disappointment.

This also falls into the dreaded ‘best parts are in the trailer’ scenario. Perhaps we shouldn’t watch trailers over, and over, and over again as Mike and I did.