
Review: Rene Levesque Mini-Series

Last night I caught most of the Rene Levesque mini-series on CBC. I’m going to assume it’s a rerun as it’s the middle of the summer, but who knows?

I feel that I’ve become more interested in Canadian history in my later years and I enjoy it when a good mini-series comes out on the CBC to pique my curiosity – like Trudeau, or the documentary on the October Crisis.

Anyhow, the Rene Levesque mini-series started off well and I’m interested in seeing the other two parts. It shows how Mr. Levesque wins the election in his riding against L’Union Nationaliste and all the dirty tricks the other side tried to pull along the way. In the end, he not only won in his riding, but the Quebec Liberal Party wins the right to govern the province and Rene finds himself as a Minister. Great day eh?

I enjoy the actors although…I must admit I find it strange watching what we all know should be a French show, but they have the actors speaking in English with a French accent. Now, I haven’t done any research so maybe they are all actually French actors to begin with, hence the French accent. But I think I would have rather have it as a French mini-series with subtitles to be true to the situation.

However, I guess that doesn’t make for a good film either. Imagine all the the movies you’ve seen which should have been in German but are mysteriously in English. 😉

Anyhow, I recommend watching this if you are remotely interested in Rene Levesque’s rise to power, or Canadian history in general.

4 replies on “Review: Rene Levesque Mini-Series”

if you like Canadian History you should check out a mini series that CBC did called “Canada- a people’s history” it covers from the begining to almost the present.

Ah yes, you have told me about that series in the past! I shall have to take a look at it soon.

I am excited about the René Lévesque mini series myself.

Heck, he’s the inspiration for the name of Marc-André’s band – Les Dead Ducks

I totally agree that is was weird to watch in English.

To answer your question, they are French actors, most of them were in the movie Les boys.

A great show you should go see, about Franco-Ontarian History is L’Echo d’un peuple. It’s is Casselman, and the tickets are not very expensive.

Yes, I was planning on bringing Vero’s family there in a few weeks but they will be out of town. Vero and I will end up seeing it at one point this summer.

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