
Review: Sex and the City

sex-and-the-city-movie-poster.jpgOn Thursday and Friday I went to a Business Process Notation course which was actually quite interesting.  It deals with mapping out business processes (as in, the steps used to accomplish a task.  This could be as simple as the business of brushing your teeth (take brush, apply toothpaste) which are quite complex in a larger setting (such as the application of a passport for example).  The notation used is fairly common and I was there to learn the actual notation used in mapping these out.  It was quite enjoyable and one of the first times at work that I didn’t mind going on a training course as I felt I gained some knowledge from it.

Friday evening, because of the late hour I escaped the building, I spent some time with Krista on the bus as it chugged slowly down the core of Ottawa.  I was not impressed with how slow the buses took at 5PM.  I decided to head over to Vero’s to escape this dungeon on four wheels.  We had dinner and then headed back to Orleans so I could buy some picture frames.

Buying frames has been a quest all last week as I stumbled across a 50% coupon from Michael’s craft store that I could use each day.  I recruited Mike, Eric, Annie and Vero to accompany me in buying some frames and giving them each a coupon.  I had quite a few concert related items to frame.  In fact, it is quite shameful to realize that it’s been two years since the last thing that has been put up!  I am quite the procrastinator (Dad of course knows this from the dent which is still in my car door.  Luckily, I am inquiring about this now.) and I had a few reviews that had accumulated.  Unfortunately, I realized that I had grown lax in cutting out reviews from newspapers and I think there are quite a few that I missed over the years.  I will go to the public library with Vero one weekend and scour the archives and print some out.

After Vero and I picked up some picture frames, we headed to Blockbuster to see if we could rent Fame as Vero wants to see this musical but thought it would be good to see the film also.  Unfortunately, Blockbuster does not carry this hit (praises!) and we bought a few films instead.

We hunkered down at home with some popcorn and watched the Sex and the City film.  I actually quite enjoy the series but have never seen the whole thing (which doesn’t take away from the show).  It follows loose plot lines over it’s span of five years and now they have returned to continue where they left off.  It was an extended cut so the film was 2.5 hours long.  Being cozy on a cold night beckoned a little scotch to be brought out of the cupboard so I had a few of those.  The film was decent.  I thought the plot line about Steve went against his established character in the series, but I guess they needed something to build the movie out of.  I also found that the characters were out of their regular element and I thought this is a great thing to do in a film setting.  If they were just doing the same old things that they did in the television series, it wouldn’t have been a great film.  It would feel like an extended tv show.  But with them put into bigger, crazier situations that seem out of place, it made it stand out more.