
Review: She Likes The Weather – The Himalayans

Who the heck are The Himalayans?

More importantly, who knows Adam Duritz?

Of course everyone knows the name Adam Duritz as the singer from Counting Crows. Counting Crows are the best band ever (except for the Smashing Pumpkins). They aren’t even on the same scale, but there. It’s been said. Much of my guitar playing is credited to the great songs of Counting Crows.

So before Counting Crows got together, Adam was bumming around looking for something exciting to do and he answered an ad in the paper asking for a singer of a band. This band became The Himalayans and I never knew about them until now as they re-released a remastered first (and only) album.

Turns out that the band was going to make it big but then Adam left to create Counting Crows. While this gets a little muddy in my brain, I guess there are some musicians out there that are in multiple bands and then decide to focus on one at a time. This is what happened here. Adam left for Counting Crows.

Now, what really piqued my curiosity about this album was the fact that it has turned out that Counting Crows Round Here was actually a COVER of the original which was recorded by The Himalayans! Imagine! So I picked up this album (only available from Adam’s new record label Tyrannosaurus Records if you want it) and am plesantly impressed with it.

I must admit that I have come a long way in my music tastes. I am more into the classic rock styles so this low-key alternative music isn’t exactly my thing anymore. But I managed to but my 1991 ballcap on my head and listen to the album as it should be listened to – with your frame of mind back then, and not in the year 2007.

In that, I find a great album with some great tracks intermixed with radio interviews. Essentially they wish to collect everything that the band was at this moment in time. It is strange to hear Adam sing to different songs and especially strange (yet cool) to hear the original Round Here. It’s rolling bass line holds the song in familiar territory. The album is worth picking up for this reason alone!

So there you have it. If you’re a Counting Crows fan and enjoy Adam’s great vocals, and won’t mind a different style of music from Counting Crows (but still clearly from the early 90s), then pick this album up.

Iplaying: Angels in American – The Himlayans (She Likes The Weather)