
Review: Silversun Pickups (Carnavas)

Lately in life, I’ve made it a point to open myself to a lot more music to fuel the creative beast in me. Sometimes, this isn’t a good thing as it makes me disappointed in my severe lack of ability to make sonic landscapes (but this will change over time). Anyhow, I’ve gotten into the habit of just downloading albums that people recommend to me and if I like it, I purchase their album.

Alright, this is what I would LIKE to do, but sometimes I just download a slew of stuff and then never get around to purchasing it. This is a BAD thing in the my personal views of supporting the artist. I’m putting it on the shelf for a day where I have a little extra cash on me and I can pick up a discounted album (like the new Metric album). Sigh…the Internet is WAY too easy to get music in my life.

A band I’ve been really digging is Silversun Pickups. I had originally heard of them on the Smashing Pumpkins MySpace website (YES, THEY ARE BACK TOGETHER, I AM IN LOVE ONCE AGAIN! THEY WILL MAKE YOUR EARS BLEED WHEN THEIR NEW ALBUM IS RELEASED.) as the Smashing Pumpkins like to highlight some of their favourite music at the time. I listened to the track and enjoyed it. But then my buddy Clive told me about this amazing album by the band that I had to listen to. That sealed the deal as he and I share the same musical tastes. I downloaded it and it is a killer album.

I am digging the bands of late that can create this other-worldly sonic masterpiece which just has you riding the music wave it creates. Think Mogwai, some Broken Social Scene…Silversun Pickups have some excellent fuzzed out guitar work which has you moving your body to it. James, I’m sending this review out to you as you enjoy the music I like. Pick up their album Carnavas and you will not be disappointed.

I have also perused their tour scheduled and they toured with WOLFMOTHER (awwww yeah!) but they are coming out on tour with Snow Patrol at the end of March in Montreal. I may have to check this out as Snow Patrol is…well, they are alright. I dig a few of their tunes, but I think I would be going more for Silversun Pickups.

Iplaying: Dream at Tempo 119 – Silversun Pickups (Carnavas)