
Review: The Cabin in the Woods

Any Joss Whedon fans out there? Raise your hand.

Go see Cabin in the Woods if you are a fan. What a great film! In fact, I guess I can’t really talk about the film without spoiling it so from this point on, consider yourself forewarned.

***there be spoilers beyond this point, yarrr****

Cabin in the Woods starts off with a government complex with two guys joking around. What kind of horror film is this?! Then it goes to the classic “group of kids going on a camping trip” scenario and you realize that these government agents are somehow influencing/controlling the environment that they enter into. Meaning, once they get to the cabin in the woods, they can control how they act, what monsters will appear, etc.

I thought the film was super original and that’s what I enjoyed about it. Joss Whedon is a master of dialogue so it was fast paced and witty throughout. For those who entered into the film hoping for a straight up horror film…we were all disappointed. But I enjoy what it became because it was so original.

On Wikipedia, they had a great line about how the writers felt that horror films had swung the pendulum a little too far with the torture porn films out there like Hostel. I completely agree…at one point, I was more disturbed with the horror films coming out than entertained. I’m glad that the pendulum is swinging back.