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Review: The Caverners – Centerpointe Theatre

On Thursday night, Vero, myself, Jeff and Melissa headed to the Centerpointe Theatre to check out the Caverners…Canada’s Beatles show. We had no idea what to expect other than the fact that we would hear some good Beatles tunes. I dreamed of an elaborate stage setup which would change through the eras of the music (kind of like the Beatles Rock Band).

I can’t say it was like that, but it was pretty darn good. They came out onto a sparse stage with authentic Beatles equipment…Ludwig drum kits, Vox amplifiers…if the Beatles had it on stage, they had it on stage.

The band came out dressed in the classic Beatles look….suits and mop-tops. I must admit that it was quite entertaining to watch their mannerisms. They had clearly done their research and had mimicked their stage movements to the originators. Ringo waving to the crowd, John stomping his foot…I was wondering when they were going to have him play with the keyboard with his elbow but if it happened, we missed it.

The first set included early Beatles numbers which was good. They put on an excellent showing so far and I had high hopes for the later era Beatles numbers, as there really isn’t all that much footage out there of them performing live from this era (as they became a studio band). The second set had some different outfits come out and some pretty good banter between them and the crowd. I was really impressed by the second set of songs being played live…Here Comes the Sun, Back in the USSR (a Palmer favourite)…it was really interesting to see these being played live as I have never witnessed that.

Fifth row center was a perfect spot for the evening and I really enjoyed the show. I think I built it up in my mind to be a larger production, but in the end, I walked away impressed nonetheless.