
Review: The Da Vinci Code (Half of it…)

Friday was a blistery snowy day so I decided to camp out at Vero’s until the rush hour traffic decided to subside. I spent a few hours going through her iTunes program and organizing her music files. She has a billion music files which aren’t tagged properly and some of them don’t even have titles! It’s quite the project. It would probably take a straight month of organizing it. In the end, I found a few gems which will find her way to the iPod.

We then had supper and went to Rogers Video where I scored Da Ali G show Season 1 for $4.50! We also bought Flags of Our Fathers and The Da Vinci Code. We had both read the book and enjoyed it and were anxious to see the film (although what the heck was Tom Hanks doing with that haircut?). Vero has spoken to her father beforehand and he said he didn’t really care for the film but he had also never read the book. Armed with this knowledge, I made it halfway through the film until I fell asleep. From what I saw, it was an alright flick. Considering I had read the book years ago, I forgot a lot of the story so I must say that the film was a little confusing. I think the beauty of a book is that if you didn’t understand what you just read, you re-read it. Not so much while watching a film (unless you want to rewind and watch again I suppose, but that kills the mood the film sets) so there were a few parts where they were rambling on about the Knights Templar and the Priory and I was saying “Whaaaa?”. I doubt the film got much better near the end so I will say that the people who read the book will think it’s a faithful adaptation but for those who haven’t read the book…meh. Did anyone else feel like they wanted Harrison Ford in the lead role instead of Tom Hanks?

iplaying: The Living – Neverending White Lights (Act II: the blood and the life eternal