
Review: The New Jedi Order

We all know my faithful readers love Star Wars that they love it when I talk about it and they tell all their friends also. Crack a beer, here’s another review.

For the past six weeks, I’ve been reading The New Jedi Order series which is a 25 book opus in the Star Wars universe. It involves some new bad guys coming and kicking ass from another universe and everyone is having a hard time with them.

The books are an average of 300 pages long so I find them short reads now (compared to years ago where this would have taken me a month!) so I think I may end up finishing the series in the Fall. I’m currently six books in. Maybe the 8th. I’ve lost count.

I gave up on the Star Wars series when this came out because:

  • 25 books is a lot
  • I figured I should start reading other books out there. When I was a teenager, it was rare that I read anything else.

Anyhow, I am enjoying this series as they nod towards other events in the timeline of the movies and books. All characters of old come out and there is reference to events that have happened in the past – for example I just read a part where Han Solo and his kid are in the Mos Eisley cantina and they make a joke about how it never goes smoothly in that joint.

A lot of faithful Star Wars readers didn’t care for the NJO for the sole reason that it changed the way the universe is played out and it really takes away the emphasis on the old characters. Let’s be honest though…if you have a set of books and they are spread out over 25 years past the time of the last movie, your main characters ARE old so you need to focus on the new blood. I don’t mind that really. Luke Skywalker is much better as a wise old master than he was when he was a young buck not knowing what the heck he is doing.

One thumb up so far on the series and I am sure the other one will rise as soon the Jedi start kicking some ass.

iplaying: The Golden Path – Chemical Brothers – Singles 93-03