Concert Reviews

Review: Wintersleep + The Besnard Lakes at the Capital Music Hall.

The night started out at Chez Lucien which a bunch of us crowded into a small booth for what can arguably be the best burger in Ottawa. Seriously. The Works has nothing on this slice of heaven.

Afterwards, Mike, Mike S and his buddy..Steve (can’t remember his name now!) ended up in a Russian bar where we had the local delicacy…vodka, beer and pickles. It was quite exciting to enter into another realm of drinking other than a typical pub!

We got to the Music Hall in time to catch the Besnard Lakes. I had never heard of the band but Mike S and Steve were raving about them.

And rave they should have. This band was amazing. My entire being was mesmorized and I couldn’t escape what was coming from their amplifiers. I can only compare them to Godspeed! You Black Emperor or My Bloody Valentine. After checking out Wikipedia, I suppose you can call this type of music ‘shoegazing’. Figure that one out for yourself. Mike doesn’t care for this type of drone-rock but I thoroughly enjoy when I can lose myself in the music.

At the end of the night I went to the merchandise booth to pick up an album and the band was there. I thanked them for the show and asked them which album I should pick up if I was new to them. The singer joked that I should actually pick up all three of them for $45…in the end I picked up the latest one…The Besnard Lakes are the Roaring Night and I have not put it down since. What an excellent album that all of you should check out!

Wintersleep did not disappoint…I was quite excited to see them as I had missed them at Bluesfest a few years ago. I fell in love with their “Welcome to the Night Sky” album and the “New Inheritors” album was different but has grown on me.

I enjoyed the fact that I don’t have their first two albums (well, I purchased them at the merch booth that night) because they would play a few tracks off of them and I would think it’s a new song (which wasn’t the case considering half the crowd was singing along!). They are masters of the psychadelicly-charged live show and I was blown away by their performance. Who would have thought Halifax could have produced something so massive in sound (Haligonians, I jest!)

Do yourself and see both of these bands if they show up in your town!

Drunk on Aluminum
Dead Letter & The Infinite Yes
Weighty Ghost
Black Camera
Experience the Jewel
Laser Beams
Miasmal Smoke and the Yellow Bellied Freaks

Trace Decay
Nerves Normal, Breath Normal