
Review: X-Men: The Last Stand

How the heck can I review this movie without spoiling some of it? Being an X-Men fan of old (someday I’ll get back into comics…like when I retire!), this franchise is near and dear to my heart.

Unfortunately, to go along with my spoiler free policy on Palmer’s World, I suppose I can’t get into too much detail here, so I’ll throw a pro/con list out here.


  • Beast was AWESOME!!! So cool. Way cooler than Nightcrawler. Well, I suppose this is true if you actually like the Beast better than Nightcrawler.
  • Decent ending (? if it is?) to the whole mutant vs. human storyline. The 3 movies revolve around it – I can see the next movie just focussing more on one villain (ala James Bond).
  • Storm – Hey! She got to speak in this movie!
  • Excellent clip after the credits which follows the comics (from what I can remember of them) and opens up the new storyline I think.
  • Good action?


  • Well, if you’re fan of the comic books, then this movie may irk you a little because it goes against comic lore in a few ways. But if you don’t read the books, then you will probably find it enjoyable (as many friends have).
  • Angel – Come on. Did he even speak in the movie? Way too little screen time. Should have been cut out of the movie.
  • More characters like Angel – A slew of characters introduced for little or no reason.
  • Juggernaut – Ugh. I don’t know…I don’t know. In some ways it was cool to see him, in others, he was kinda silly.
  • Deaths – Am I spoiling the movie if I say someone dies? So be it. Someone dies. Kind of unnecessary.

Yeah, so…all in all, definitely not as good as the other two X-Men…but not the worst movie ever. Benoit thought it was so horrible that he put it in league with The Incredible Hulk. Good lord, that movie was awful…but X-Men 3 was nowhere near as bad. I equate X-Men with the equivalent of a bad comic book in the series – you still love the X-Men and what they do, but the comic just wasn’t the greatest (but you still like it anyhow). It’s like with anything you like – take a TV show for example. There’s good ones and bad ones.

Oh! Let’s take James Bond and the whole Roger Moore era for example. Boom. Point proven. A low point in the James Bond history. Not as low as Timothy Dalton though. I liked him better as an actor compared to Roger Moore, but I didn’t care for the rogue agent story they were going for in…License to Kill? Or was it The Living Daylights?

If you don’t read the comics, you’ll like the movie. If you read the comics, you will be disappointed, but hopefully not TOO disappointed. I would say that if the movie had another 30 minutes added to it, it would have been great. I found they cut down a lot of stuff that would have been better if they added 5 minutes to each major sequence (like a fight vs. Pyro and Iceman…give it 5 more minutes and it would have been mint.)

I invite whoever wants to chat it up with me about specific points in the movie to do so (I know Benoit has been waiting 2 weeks to talk about how it was the worst movie ever. I’m not sure how I want to oppose his points. It wasn’t the Hulk, but it sure wasn’t Spider-Man)

5 replies on “Review: X-Men: The Last Stand”

While I haven’t had the chance to watch X3 yet, I’ve heard many people say similar things.

I’ve heard that they won’t be making a fourth installment, but instead making spinoffs for Wolverine and Magneto (individually).

If you’re asking for feedback, I may have to stay out of the comments section for a little while ;-). Before I go though, what’s with the hatin’ on Roger Moore!? Other than the whole him being a red-headed British guy thing, I thought he was the third best Bond (Behind Connery and Brosnan).

Dalton sucked.

Ugh…Roger…what can I say? He just didn’t have any edge. I will admit that when I rewatched the series (in my 20 week long excursion – Summer of Bond), I realized that Roger Moore wasn’t all that bad when I was watching Live and Let Die. But then the movies just kept rolling out and kept sucking more and more…then I remembered why I hated Moore.

You’ve just convinced me on a new post.

Well I’ll agree that this X men movie wasn’t ass good as the previous two, but I would not go as far as to class it with the Hulk!

Well, As Ryan pointed out, I was indeed quite sad over this film. THey touched on some of THE best storylines in the whole history of the Marvel universe and missed the cues on them.

Spoiler-esque complaints coming up – don’t read posts beyond this line if you don’t want to spoil anything else:

Pyro/Iceman fight = lame – can’t ever redo their first fight.

Death of Scott = lame – noone even weeps for the guy until the funeral of X.

Jugger = lame

Hordes of new mutants introduced for no reason.

Storm spoke but other than that, she just cleared the path for the others… not the poerful character she truly is.

Wolvie: more of a comic relief than anything else.

Sentinel scene = cheapo scene. If you give me Sentinels, give them some more screentime than 4.5 seconds.

Death and rise of Phoenix – misswed the boat on these altogether.

Magneto/bridge = he can move metal… we know that.. you don’t need to show us the guy moving the bridge for 4 individuals… pathetic.

Angel = I hate you dad, I love you and save you dad. Boo.

Mystique = talk about another anticlimax… Magneto was played incredibly well and gave the film the only emotional bits it had. “you are not one of us anymore”

Even the virus thing didn’t come out very well in the end.

There were too many stories touched upon and too little time for any sort of development.

As worse as the Hulk… maybe not.. but very close. I would have to say that this film + Electra + The Hulk are the worse comic flix i have seen in the last 10 years.

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