I just found out that Rob’s grandfather Earl passed away last Sunday. Unfortunately I was on the road at that time or else I would have headed down to Paisley in this time of need.
I met Grandpa Earl 9 years ago (Lord, has it been that long?!) and he was a kind old man. He sure liked to play cards! I remember first playing cards with him in his kitchen along with a few others and noticed that he was dealing from the bottom of the deck! I didn’t want to call him on it in his own kitchen but he sure was sneaky! I think I let him know about it at Rob’s wedding but he feigned ignorance.
Through the years I spent some interesting weekends with the Beech Clan, like our Thankgiving trip to Marmora where Grandpa Earl had a good laugh when Rob’s mom dressed Rob and I up in a pig and dog outfit and we went to a party on the campground. Let it be known that we aren’t talking about us being kids here…I was probably 23 at this time! We toured around in that RV for the entire day and we all had a splendid time.
I grew to take a liking to this great man as he welcomed me into his life of having fun and playing a good game of euchre. I never got to know my own grandfathers and I always thought of Grandpa Earl as an honorary grandfather. My thoughts go out to the Beech Clan at this time and I know you’re out there having a grand old time playing cards Grandpa Earl.