

I’m pretty sure I aced my mid-term last night in my Media Ethics class. Man, I love that class. Reading Supreme Court cases and having someone explain them to me is actually very entertaining.

At this point in my life, I am coming to the close of my required courses for the Communications field and have a bunch of electives to choose. While I would like to think that I will be a cool guy behind the camera in some studio one day, I think that perhaps it is best to broaden my knowledge set to what I am currently in – the Government.

So with that, I am looking at branching out my knowledge set by taking some sociology courses as the Government policy makers require that in your brain to ‘successfully’ work in that field. While I do not know if I will want to be a policy maker in the future, I don’t want to have a closed door. Heck, that’s why I went back to school in the first place; to leave the doors wide open! Everyone knows I am the cats meow, but I didn’t want some piece of paper declaring I am unfit to proceed higher in this organization. Albeit, I have a giant ego so that’s always a clincher.

Now onto some fun news…while my potential trip to Europe is being put on the back burner for this year (but Vero is still going ahead…JEALOUS!), we will both be headed to the Dominican Republic next January for her sister’s wedding! I am excited for this trip as I have never been anywhere down south and I always said I would wait for an opportunity like this to come along to make my trek. I am unsure if I will truly enjoy a paradise of sand and water compared to the wonders of traveling to Europe, but who knows? This is why I am going! I want to see if I enjoy this kind of thing!

My only beef is the fact that they need deposit next week for a trip that is happening next year. Boo!